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The Opposite Of 'Woke' Is Being A Snoozer
The bed's on fire. There's no going back to sleep -
What We SHOULD Learn From The Pandemic
I mean, we won't, but we should -
When Will Climate Resistance Get Violent?
When will Greta go guerrilla? -
The Diversity Of Foundation
The delightful lack of white people in Apple's TV show -
How To Blame Poor Countries For A Food Crisis
Don't worry about capitalism collapsing, just look at these dumb darkies! -
China Didn't Copy Capitalism, They Developed Something Else
How China grew faster and longer than any country in human history -
American Media Loves War And Hates To See It End
War is a farce that gives them meaning. -
How Chinese Diplomacy Is Different From American
My experiences at the embassy level -
Afghanistan Is Not The White Woman's Burden
You can't bomb feminism into people. -
Western Leadership Is Driving Us Off A Climate Cliff
The world is driving straight of a climate cliff. It's time to change drivers. -
America Is Just Corrupt
America loses wars for arms dealers and prolongs pandemics for drug companies. The whole society is corrupt -
The West Attacked My People With Anti-Vax Propaganda And It's Killing Us
Sri Lankans are dying from 'waiting for Pfizer' -
Biden Makes America Fake Again
Trump was an honest American. Biden just lies -
Capitalism Is A Planetary Pyramid Scheme
And the 'developing' world is holding the bag -
The Delta Wave Is America's Own Fault
Turning COVID into a Monopoly game means we get new variants every time we pass GO -
How America Is Spreading Anti-Vax Bullshit All Over The World
America is attacking perfectly good Chinese and Russian vaccines, and it's getting people killed -
Western COVID Donations Are Bullshit. We Need Justice
They cynical whitewashing of western COVID 'aid' -
It's Time To Overthrow The Colonial Empires (Again)
We can't fight pandemics or climate change under western hegemony. We have to overthrow them. -
How 'Rich' Nations Are Actually Poor
Climate debt gives places like the US, Europe, and Australia a negative net worth -
Palestinian Apartheid And Vaccine Apartheid Are The Same Map
We are all Palestinian. -
'Vaccine Diplomacy' Is Better Than Vaccine War
China, Russia, and India are helping people like me, while the west is just killing us for profit -
America's TRIPS Waiver Is Bullshit PR
They just agreed to talk, while the virus is eating our lungs. -
Why I Don't Want To Raise Independent Children
Keep your friends close and your family closer. -
Bill Gates Is A Vaccine Racist And It's Getting People Killed
A convicted monopolist is a vaccine monopolist. Who could have predicted this 🤔 -
The Way Out Of Poverty Is Getting Out Of Poor Countries
You don’t need to ask an economist, ask a cab driver -
Passports Are Some Colonial Bullshit
We are all born free, and passport apartheid is keeping us down -
A Truly Free Market Requires Open Borders
Borders are the most violent government regulation of all -
Anti-Asian Hate Is American Policy
America has been inciting hatred against China for years -
If History Is Repeating, We’re Heading For War
How 1910s levels of inequality can lead to 1940s levels of war -
mRNA Vaccines Belong To The World
No one is safe until mRNA factories are everywhere -
How I Got Vaccinated In Sri Lanka
We struggle to get vaccines, but at least we can distribute them -
Europe Is Hoarding Vaccines And Not Even Using Them
The pointless, destructive greed of white folk -
Cosmetic Changes Won’t Stop American Collapse
America has already hit the iceberg. It’s going down -
How The West Failed The World With COVID-19
And why we must never trust them again -
mRNA Vaccines Are ‘Whites Only’ And It’s Bullshit
Yes the technology is complicated, but not sharing it is a choice -
American Evil Is A Bipartisan Affair
War and corruption have bipartisan support -
Western Nations Are The Most Corrupt Places In The World
Speaking fees, lobbying, ‘donations’ — it’s all just corruption -
Britain Becomes The First Country To Sanction Itself
Couldn’t happen to a worse empire -
I Am Not Your Minority
White people are the minority. We are the world -
Colonialism Never Ended. It Just Became Capitalism
First they raped us. Now they’ve come for the whole Earth -
What White Privilege Steals From Us
Privilege always comes at somebody else’s expense -
America’s Violent Empire Is Imploding
Chickens have come home to roost -
I Lived Thru Domestic Terror. It’s Already Started In America
Welcome to the bloody spin cycle -
American Exceptionalism Is Getting You Killed
America is exceptionally fucked -
There Ain’t No Vaccine Race. It’s Vaccine Racism
Rich, white greed will prolong this pandemic for years -
Abolish Citizenship: The Only Way To Be A Good Global Citizen
Everyone has the right to move. Even brown and black people you monsters -
How White Terrorism Isn’t Terrorism
If a white person blows up Nashville, does it make a sound? -
It’s Been A Year. White People Can’t Blame China Anymore
You dumbasses own this pandemic now -
How Canadians Are The Worst Vaccine Racists
Canadians are consuming the most vaccine per capita and blocking the world from making our own -
Social Distancing Is Impossible. We Can’t Blame People
We can’t blame each other for government failures