My name is Indrajit Samarajiva and I'm a writer. People call me Indrajit, Indi, Jit, or sometimes even Indica. Most people call me Indi. If you're younger than me you'd call me Ayya or Anna and if you're much younger you'd call me Maama. If you're a bit older you'd call me Malli or Thambi and if you're an elder you can call me whatever you want. My parents call me putha, which means human child or more often patiya, which means baby animal.

I've wanted to be a writer since Mrs. Stewart gave me scratch-and-sniff stickers in first grade. I was born in 1982 in Vancouver, Canada where my parents were doing their PhDs. I lived in Sri Lanka briefly before moving to Upper Arlington, Ohio, where I grew up (K-12). I studied Cognitive Science at McGill University in Montreal. I started blogging there and have been doing so for nearly 25 years now.

As an adult, I moved back to Sri Lanka where I've lived since. I've started a few magazines, worked for a big telco in content, helped make a lot of websites, served as online editor for a newspaper, and launched and sold a food content startup. I also helped launch food delivery within the company that acquired us.

Now I write almost every day, which was my dream since first grade. I'm 41 years old now and have a wife, two kids, a cat, a very naughty dog, and three fish no one likes (now they're all dead). Thank you for reading. There's over a million words in here and probably 10,000 typos, please tell me.

The themes I generally write about are collapse (because I can both observe it and my country is generally ahead of the dismal curve), climate change (which I realize now is a symptom of the more general collapse), White Empire (what I call the American empire which has all the old colonizers as vassals), philosophy, politics, parenting, and whatever goes through my head. If you dig deep enough you'll find my opinions on these changing and they'll probably keep changing. I'm in a very long process of figuring things out and I don't think that ever ends, but I'm happy to intersect with you on your path, even if we don't agree on everything (we won't).

If you ever want to contact me, please just mail