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Bill Gates Is A Vaccine Racist And It's Getting People Killed
A convicted monopolist is a vaccine monopolist. Who could have predicted this 🤔 -
To Solve Big Problems, We Need To Go Back To Preschool
I find myself teaching my children lessons I don't follow as an adult. That we don't follow as a society. We really should. -
How The Drug Mafia Is Killing Us This Pandemic
The drug dealers are in charge, the politicians are paid off, and no one gives a fuck. -
How Anger Scars A House
Lessons from locking a kid in a room (not on purpose) -
America Is Embargoing Supplies While India Burns
America is actively shutting down global vaccine production -
Diving Into Climate Change
A perspective on the great dying, from diving. -
Vaccine Racism Has Made COVID Worse Than Ever
This was the worst week for COVID-19, but you may not have noticed because it’s happening to colored people. -
Elections Are Terrible For Democracy
We should treat public service like jury duty instead -
The Way Out Of Poverty Is Getting Out Of Poor Countries
You don’t need to ask an economist, ask a cab driver -
Passports Are Some Colonial Bullshit
We are all born free, and passport apartheid is keeping us down -
How American Corruption Is Blocking Global Vaccines
Biden’s team is loaded on drug money and it’s getting us killed -
A Truly Free Market Requires Open Borders
Borders are the most violent government regulation of all -
How Cold War II Has Already Begun
America has started war on China, and American wars never end -
How This Tiny EV Is Outselling Tesla
Everything that sucks about this car also makes it great -
Why Substack Sucks
Imagine if Facebook paid Ben Shapiro. That’s Substack Pro -
Anti-Asian Hate Is American Policy
America has been inciting hatred against China for years -
I Had To Leave America To Live The American Dream
Americans need to seriously consider migrating -
My Favorite Writing Tool Is My Wife
On the hidden labor of women -
How The Pandemic Radicalized Me
When the world is going mad, it’s insane to not change -
What Marrying Into Money Taught Me About Capitalism
The game is rigged. I know because I’m winning -
How Science Is Not Good
Why we can’t just follow the science -
Gaslit Empire: How Meghan Markle Exposes British Racism
The monarchy is literally a bloodline. The whole thing is racist -
If History Is Repeating, We’re Heading For War
How 1910s levels of inequality can lead to 1940s levels of war -
The Revolting Racism Of Roald Dahl
How the Oompa Loompas were originally black, and enslaved -
How Water Keeps Us Alive
Biologically speaking, we’re just walking water balloons -
mRNA Vaccines Belong To The World
No one is safe until mRNA factories are everywhere -
Take ANY Vaccine. They’ll All Save Your Life
Every vaccine is 100% effective at keeping you alive -
How One Country Turned COVID Into A Weapon Of Terror
The sad story of Sri Lanka’s forced cremations -
How I Got Vaccinated In Sri Lanka
We struggle to get vaccines, but at least we can distribute them -
Europe Is Hoarding Vaccines And Not Even Using Them
The pointless, destructive greed of white folk -
The Illusion Of Progress
Evolution is adaptation to the environment, not progress alone -
How Tesla Is Bad For The Earth
An electric car is still a car, and cars are bad -
A Chinese Life, In Pictures
Chinese history in one graphic novel -
If Politics Feels Hopeless, Think 25 Years Ahead
In 25 years, Donald Trump will be dead -
How Democrats Can Take Power For A Generation
I mean, they won’t, but here’s how -
How Bitcoin Is Hostile AI
Who needs Skynet to take over the world? Just throw techbros some coin -
Cosmetic Changes Won’t Stop American Collapse
America has already hit the iceberg. It’s going down -
How The Dog Is Training Me
Trust goes both ways -
How I Almost Became White
As a brown person growing up in Columbus, Ohio, I almost became white -
How America Became A Dog Shit Democracy
By failing to convict Trump, America has condemned itself -
How The West Failed The World With COVID-19
And why we must never trust them again -
mRNA Vaccines Are ‘Whites Only’ And It’s Bullshit
Yes the technology is complicated, but not sharing it is a choice -
American Evil Is A Bipartisan Affair
War and corruption have bipartisan support -
How Our Family Takes A Digital Sabbath
The power of disconnecting from distraction -
How The US Legalized Corruption
White people use funny words for bribes -
How I Turned Our TV Into A Computer (a TVC)
The best Smart TV is just a shitty computer, so I built one -
How I Stopped Using A Smartphone and Started Using The Phone
Sometimes the most instant message is your voice -
Western Nations Are The Most Corrupt Places In The World
Speaking fees, lobbying, ‘donations’ — it’s all just corruption -
America Is Still Fucked
Biden can’t deliver $2,000, how’s he going to deliver the nation? -
The Myth Of Intelligence
Everybody‘s smart about something