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Western Leadership Is Driving Us Off A Climate Cliff
The world is driving straight of a climate cliff. It's time to change drivers. -
America Is Just Corrupt
America loses wars for arms dealers and prolongs pandemics for drug companies. The whole society is corrupt -
The War On Afghanistan Was A $2 Trillion Scam
America just pumped-and-dumped an entire country -
The West Attacked My People With Anti-Vax Propaganda And It's Killing Us
Sri Lankans are dying from 'waiting for Pfizer' -
Biden Makes America Fake Again
Trump was an honest American. Biden just lies -
Capitalism Is A Planetary Pyramid Scheme
And the 'developing' world is holding the bag -
Teaching Our Daughter To Not Take Shit
The patriarchy starts young -
All The Work I Do Not Do
The comfort and conflict of domestic work -
How I Grew Up Alien
And how I never made it home -
The Delta Wave Is America's Own Fault
Turning COVID into a Monopoly game means we get new variants every time we pass GO -
How America Is Spreading Anti-Vax Bullshit All Over The World
America is attacking perfectly good Chinese and Russian vaccines, and it's getting people killed -
Prison Is An Unethical Experiment On Human Beings
Caging humans is a cruel experiment, practiced without results or consent. -
Cars Are Dinosaurs And Electric Dinosaurs Won't Help
Electric cars are completely inadequate for surviving our climate catastrophe. We need to evolve a completely different form of life. -
How Carmela Soprano Is A Dharmic Hero
Tony Soprano was TV's first anti-hero, but the show still has a hero. It's Carmela. -
How News Makes You Stupider
News is the processed food of information, the Doritos of literacy. -
How Conspiracy Theories Are Killing America
"The discovery of the Nazis was that the masses were not so frightened by Jewish world rule as they were interested in how it could be done." -
The Pandemic Is Over. We Lost
It's over. The pandemic has gone endemic. Rich/western countries sold us all out. -
Why American Totalitarianism Is Totally Possible
Conspiracy theories, stupid mobs, demagogues, where do you think this all leads? -
Confucian Parenting Advice
When your parents die, live in the backyard for three years. -
How Totalitarianism Is A Total Nightmare (Hannah Arendt)
Totalitarianism is, to Hannah Arendt, someone else's dream invading your body, until it becomes a nightmare. -
What Life Is Like Without Amazon
It's fine. -
The Myth Of General Intelligence
And how it makes us dumb -
A Demand For Nonviolent Government
Governments have no right to hit, cage, or kill us. None. -
How America Is Using COVID To Attack Its Enemies
America is blocking vaccines and embargoing basic supplies during a pandemic. It's a health crime against humanity. -
Corporations Are People And They're Killing Us
Companies have legal personhood, limited liability, and it’s not going well -
Western COVID Donations Are Bullshit. We Need Justice
They cynical whitewashing of western COVID 'aid' -
It's Time To Overthrow The Colonial Empires (Again)
We can't fight pandemics or climate change under western hegemony. We have to overthrow them. -
How I Grew Up Transphobic (With Ace Ventura)
Hating trans people was popular culture just a generation ago -
How America Is Becoming Nazi Germany
3 lessons from two books: Weimar Germany and Berlin In Lights -
How Do We Get Out Of Capitalism?
The way to Acid Communism -
The Same People That Lied About WMDs Want To Sell You A 'Lab Leak'
Are we stupid enough to believe in American 'intelligence' again? -
How 'Rich' Nations Are Actually Poor
Climate debt gives places like the US, Europe, and Australia a negative net worth -
Palestinian Apartheid And Vaccine Apartheid Are The Same Map
We are all Palestinian. -
How Modern Democracy Is Tyranny
The oldest trick in democracy is deciding that certain people aren't people at all -
The Monkey Roots Of Inequality
We keep appealing to reason but we're just apes -
Tolstoy, The Most Woke Anarchist Since Jesus
Tolstoy is the anarchist philosopher poet, trying to make peasants into philosopher kings. -
'Vaccine Diplomacy' Is Better Than Vaccine War
China, Russia, and India are helping people like me, while the west is just killing us for profit -
America's TRIPS Waiver Is Bullshit PR
They just agreed to talk, while the virus is eating our lungs. -
Why I Don't Want To Raise Independent Children
Keep your friends close and your family closer. -
Basecamp's Problem Isn't Politics. It's Philosophy
Basecamp's implosion—losing one-third of staff—is about much more than politics. It's a failure of philosophy. -
Bill Gates Is A Vaccine Racist And It's Getting People Killed
A convicted monopolist is a vaccine monopolist. Who could have predicted this 🤔 -
To Solve Big Problems, We Need To Go Back To Preschool
I find myself teaching my children lessons I don't follow as an adult. That we don't follow as a society. We really should. -
How The Drug Mafia Is Killing Us This Pandemic
The drug dealers are in charge, the politicians are paid off, and no one gives a fuck. -
How Anger Scars A House
Lessons from locking a kid in a room (not on purpose) -
America Is Embargoing Supplies While India Burns
America is actively shutting down global vaccine production -
Diving Into Climate Change
A perspective on the great dying, from diving. -
Vaccine Racism Has Made COVID Worse Than Ever
This was the worst week for COVID-19, but you may not have noticed because it’s happening to colored people. -
Elections Are Terrible For Democracy
We should treat public service like jury duty instead -
The Way Out Of Poverty Is Getting Out Of Poor Countries
You don’t need to ask an economist, ask a cab driver -
Passports Are Some Colonial Bullshit
We are all born free, and passport apartheid is keeping us down