America Is Heading For Worse Than Civil War

In a Civil War you’re at least fighting for something. The worst case is losing without a fight, which is precisely where America is heading now.
Dr. William Horne expands on this in his ‘White Backlash’ graduate course. I expand on his argument referencing Eric D. Weitz’s book Weimar Germanyhere. But it’s really common sense. As the kids book goes, if you give a mouse a coupie, pretty soon he’s going to overthrow your government.
Pre-Nazi Germany
Americans keep harking back to their own Civil War, but the real parallel is pre-Nazi Germany, and their lack thereof. Germany never rebelled against Nazi rule. Remember that. Germany’s political parties let the Nazis into the Reichstag without a fight, then Nazis burned that motherfucker down and cemented minority rule for 12 years. This is precisely what’s happening in America today.
Fascists have already lobotomized the Republican Party and the Democrats have lobotomized themselves. The only people organized are the Far-Reich, and the most organized people win. While Democrats control two branches of government, the judiciary is completely corrupted. This means that right wing mobs have a license to kill, run over protesters, and coup if they want to.
Courting Disaster
As Eric D. Weitz wrote about pre-Nazi Germany, “The courts were notorious bastions of conservatism that barely prosecuted acts of terror committed by the Right, while they assiduously pursued the Left.”

In case you hadn’t noticed, the American Supreme Court is stuffed by Trump, lower courts have been stuffed by Republicans for decades. In Wisconsin they set a precedent for just shooting protestors, state legislators have legalized running them over, and the police have military equipment and a license to kill. America’s border Gestapo is allowed to be Gestapo within 100 miles of a border, ie everywhere. The law won’t protect you from shit. The fix is in.
A Congress With Fools
At the same time, Republicans and corrupt Democrats (the ‘center’ of American politics is actual corporate corruption) have completely gummed up their Congress to the point that people would welcome knocking it down. Which is precisely what the Nazis did to the Reichstag.
Like Weimar Germany, America has become “ungovernable through normal parliamentary mechanisms.” The majority party can’t even pass legislation by majority vote. As Weitz said, “The Nazis never had any intention of working productively within the system. They simply used all the legislatures in Germany, from the Reichstag to the Landtage to city councils, as arenas of propaganda.”
Hence Congress is just used as a backdrop for Fox News propaganda today, or as a recruiting tool for mob violence as it burned during the January Coup. It is a rotten, hollow tree, just waiting for the chop.
Mob Rule
While American liberals cling to their hollow institutions, you have to understand that this is not where power lies. Democrats control the Senate, House, and Presidency and can’t do shit. As mentioned, the country is ungovernable. Biden’s COVID-19 response is basically suggesting that people take more vaccines, he cannot implement even medieval-level quarantine programs, let alone modern governance like China or, if you must, Australia.
Real power lies in people and the barrel of a gun, and fascists are doggedly consolidating both. Republicans are, as mentioned, lobotomized into a full fascist party and they’re organized down to the school board level, which is where true power lies. They are armed and displaying arms in the street, the military cosplaying that also possessed Weimar Germany.
They have already attacked the fucking Capitol and gotten away with it. If you give a mouse a cookie, pretty soon he’s going to take over a government. That’s just how it goes. All of the people raising the alarm about America falling to fascism are just asking you to take your enemies at their word. That’s all, when they say the election is stolen and they’re going to take their country back with guns, just fucking believe them. Right now the mob is completely out-organizing the blob, and superior organization wins.
Taking The State Whole
As Sun Tzu says, “to take the enemy state whole is ideal. Less than ideal is breaking the state up.” He also said “Know the enemy; know yourself,” and the institutional defenders of American democracy are ignorant AF. They really think the other side is stupid and will just go away, but organized stupid beats disorganized arrogance every time. Given the the fascists are the only side on any war footing, this means that American democracy isn’t even headed for Civil War. It’s just fucked.
America won’t fall to some disorganized Confederacy, it will fall from with in its own Congress and statehouses. The Republicans will let the mob in, as they have already done. Fascists won’t be the rebels, you’ll be the fucking rebels, they’ll control state and national governments, the military, and militarized police, and the border Gestapo. In short, America is not heading for a fight. Y’all are headed to lose without putting up a fight at all. This is the worst-case scenario, and it’s coming right up.
I highly recommend Weitz’s book Weimar Germany, which is chilling in how much it parallels America today. It is much more useful that following the daily news. I have written further about it here:
How America Is Becoming Nazi Germany: 3 lessons from two books: Weimar Germany and Berlin In Lights