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How Crypto Is Like Early Corporations
And how they’re both artificial life -
How The Rich Get Richer Under Austerity
It’s prosperity for the rich, austerity for the poor -
7 Ways The IMF Sucks
And 7 common-sense alternatives for Sri Lanka. -
Sri Lanka Is On Fire And Nobody’s Talking About Water
Sri Lanka needs to make real changes to the real economy -
How The Rich Gambled Away Our World
Stock markets are just gambling, and they’ve bet the family house -
How Elon Musk’s Wealth Isn’t Real
And how ‘the economy’ is bullshit also -
Why Crisis Is The Time To Build
Sri Lanka needs to build its way out of crisis, not borrow our way into the next one -
Notes From The Future Of Fucked
If you’re wondering what shortages and instability are like, lemme tell you -
What America’s Budget Tells You About America’s Values
America values old people at home and dead people abroad -
How Sri Lanka Has Fallen Into Darkness
We have 13 hour powercuts now, and people are enraged -
America’s Infrastructure Bubble Is Going Pop
America’s car-driven development was a Ponzi scheme, and it’s all coming down -
America Is A Poor Country In A Gucci Belt
How American poverty looks to a Sri Lankan -
The Buck Stops Here: How America Is Destroying The Dollar
You can only sanction and steal so much -
The Richest Men Are Not Really Rich
They’re just gamblers holding racing slips -
White Empire Is Playing Russian Roulette With Sanctions
Blowing their own brains out with a golden gun -
Biden Is Holding An Economic Hot Potato
When the economy crashes, so will US democracy -
The Tyranny Of Averages
How GDP can go up while people are dying -
Why Capitalism Keeps Falling Over
Sometimes the simplest way to move forward is to keep building towers and crashing them. -
Why Capitalism Is A Dead Faith
That’s me in the corner, losing my religion -
America Is Ruled By COVID Cowards
They’ve just given up -
The 3 Signs Of A Coming Crash
History, inequality, and yelling -
All The Promises Biden Has Broken
Basically all of them -
How American Comedy Is Science Fiction
SOCIAL science fiction -
How America Loves Killing More Than Life Itself (In 5 Graphs)
Every American budget is a murder-suicide pact -
How Marx's Capital Is About AI
Capital is not a form of human life, it's a lifeform. -
Capitalism Is A Golem Run Amok
We made artificial beings out of corporations and they suck -
How I Finally Understood Crypto (Thru Animal Farm)
Crypto is just the idea that 'hey, if those fuckers can make up money, so can we.' -
How To Blame Poor Countries For A Food Crisis
Don't worry about capitalism collapsing, just look at these dumb darkies! -
China Didn't Copy Capitalism, They Developed Something Else
How China grew faster and longer than any country in human history -
Welcome To The Capitalist Jungle
You're in the jungle, baby, you're gonna die -
America Is Just Corrupt
America loses wars for arms dealers and prolongs pandemics for drug companies. The whole society is corrupt -
Corporations Are People And They're Killing Us
Companies have legal personhood, limited liability, and it’s not going well -
How 'Rich' Nations Are Actually Poor
Climate debt gives places like the US, Europe, and Australia a negative net worth -
What Marrying Into Money Taught Me About Capitalism
The game is rigged. I know because I’m winning -
If History Is Repeating, We’re Heading For War
How 1910s levels of inequality can lead to 1940s levels of war -
You Have The Right To Not Work
The final labor right is the right to not labor -
Forget GDP. We Need ZDP
A rich nation is one with Zero Domestic Poverty -
Rich Asians Will Replace White People Soon
It honestly can’t happen soon enough -
Why No One Should Work For A Living
It’s time to leave the Capitalist jungle and become civilized -
The Champagne Socialist Manifesto
A specter is haunting the world — the specter of Champagne Socialism -
Corporations Are Already AI
The stock market is sentient and it hates you -
Remote Work Means Anyone Can Take Your Job
Now thousands of people could be competing for your role from around the world. -
Tech Companies Are Non-Essential Services
All the startups go in a box to the left -
This Is the Worst Time for Startups
New businesses have declined 44% since the 1970s. -
Green Energy Is Now As Cheap As Fossil Fuels
Fossil Fuels are the energy of the past -
Population Control for Climate Change
If you really wanted to do it, here’s how -
Socialize The Stock Market
The public should hold shares and workers should sit on boards -
Batman Should Be Taxed Into Oblivion
Rather than punching people, tax billionaires -
The Best Startup Advice: Start Rich
The most important thing is to choose your parents -
The Difference Between Sajith And Gota’s Paternalism
A father who beats you vs. one who buys you stuff