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Advertising Is How Corporations Dream
And it’s a nightmare for human beings -
How Art Creates Parallel Universes
Every artist paints a window to another world -
The Economy Is Far Too Important To Be Left To Economists
How economists are the worst -
All The Lonely People, That’s Where Fascism Comes From
How the loneliness of capitalism trends towards fascism -
How We Live In A World Of Modern Ritual
Walking through an airport like walking through a temple -
How Democracy Is Not Good
Democracy is just a hammer, and lately it’s been clawing peoples eyes out -
How White Empire Blames Everyone Else
Mexico made them do drugs, Russia made them elect Trump, oligarchs made them launder money -
How Western Propaganda Has Been Privatized
Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free -
What’s In A Name?
Why having one ‘official’ name is so alien -
The Pointlessness Of COVID Travel Theatre
Most COVID rules are just rituals. They preserve hierarchies, but don’t change reality -
The Illusion Of Being Alone
We are born together and die together -
White People Keep Looking For Hitler Everywhere But In The Mirror
White Empire needs to keep creating Hitler everywhere, to distract from their own atrocities -
We Never Lose Our Imagination, We Just Spend It Imagining Dumb Shit
Children imagine unicorns and talking animals. Adults imagine dumb shit like borders and money -
How Reality Is Breaking Down
And how other realities are building up -
How Video Games Become Religions
Did ancient religions begin this way too? -
Why Corporations Are Getting Rich Off Plague And War
They’re not human beings. It honestly doesn’t affect them -
When People Lose Trust In The Mainstream, They End Up Swimming With Crocs
When you don’t trust institutions, the media, or the government, who do you trust? -
How Cars Are The Apex Predators
If aliens were looking down from space, why would they think the roadkill are in charge? -
How AI Evolved In Money
Chapter 3 of Das Kapital: dat money -
How Too Much Data Makes People Stupid
This is your brain on TMI -
Why Capitalism Is A Dead Faith
That’s me in the corner, losing my religion -
How Self Help Is A Dead End (A Buddhist View)
If there is no-self, how do you help it? -
How Buddhist 'No-Self' Can Solve Social Problems
What if pandemics, 'weight', and mental health can't be solved at the individual level at all? -
Happy New Year, 1922
It's just a little bit of history repeating. -
Why I—A Buddhist—Love Jesus
Some Christ for Christmas -
How Humans Must Adapt To Climate Collapse Or Die (And How We'll Probably Die Anyways)
A long historical view on climate, capitalism, and life -
How Marx's Capital Is About AI
Capital is not a form of human life, it's a lifeform. -
How AI Has Already Taken Over Democracy
When corporations have the right to speech and influence, humans are screwed -
Capitalism Is A Golem Run Amok
We made artificial beings out of corporations and they suck -
America's Soggy Taco Problem
How the middle has fallen out of American politics. -
Why American Democracy Sucks
Chinese Democracy Part II -
Why Democracy Sucks
How Chinese democracy is like ancient Greece -
How I Lived Through The End Of History
The rise and fall of America in one generation. Mine -
How Carmela Soprano Is A Dharmic Hero
Tony Soprano was TV's first anti-hero, but the show still has a hero. It's Carmela. -
How News Makes You Stupider
News is the processed food of information, the Doritos of literacy. -
How Conspiracy Theories Are Killing America
"The discovery of the Nazis was that the masses were not so frightened by Jewish world rule as they were interested in how it could be done." -
Why American Totalitarianism Is Totally Possible
Conspiracy theories, stupid mobs, demagogues, where do you think this all leads? -
Confucian Parenting Advice
When your parents die, live in the backyard for three years. -
How Totalitarianism Is A Total Nightmare (Hannah Arendt)
Totalitarianism is, to Hannah Arendt, someone else's dream invading your body, until it becomes a nightmare. -
The Myth Of General Intelligence
And how it makes us dumb -
A Demand For Nonviolent Government
Governments have no right to hit, cage, or kill us. None. -
How Do We Get Out Of Capitalism?
The way to Acid Communism -
How Modern Democracy Is Tyranny
The oldest trick in democracy is deciding that certain people aren't people at all -
The Monkey Roots Of Inequality
We keep appealing to reason but we're just apes -
Tolstoy, The Most Woke Anarchist Since Jesus
Tolstoy is the anarchist philosopher poet, trying to make peasants into philosopher kings. -
Basecamp's Problem Isn't Politics. It's Philosophy
Basecamp's implosion—losing one-third of staff—is about much more than politics. It's a failure of philosophy. -
To Solve Big Problems, We Need To Go Back To Preschool
I find myself teaching my children lessons I don't follow as an adult. That we don't follow as a society. We really should. -
The Buddha’s Words — Mindfulness
What it means to live forever, in a Buddhist sense -
The Buddha’s Words — The Pairs
A wholly inadequate Medium trip through the Dhammapada -
The Power Of Being Useless
A lesson from the Taoist sage Zhuangzi