'Israel's Tank Army Is Toast

Gazans celebrating after the ghetto uprising of October 7th

The one part of the military industrial complex that still works well is the marketing department. We're told that everything we see burning is fine—that the deindustrialized West has infinite productive capacity—but what we're really witnessing is the last fire sale of the military industrial complex. In what Kamala Harris aptly names the 'Country Over Party', everything most go.

This country's over. One last blood feast for the vampire's ball

'Israel'—the flagship franchise of McGenocide—is already toast. American media covers up 'Israeli' losses and hypes up their terrorism even more than the 'Israeli' media, but the information is there if you look. Let's look at just one example because I've seen a lot of them burning myself. 'Israel's' homemade Merkava tanks, which are being returned to sender as Palestinians retake their home.


Military Balance 2024

Before we discuss tanking, we must know how many tanks 'Israel' had, and how quickly they can reproduce them. According to The Military Balance 2024, 'Israel' has 400 of their locally produced (MkIV) tanks in service, with 900 older models in storage. I have to go back to Military Balance 2021 to find any change in MkIV supply, back then they had 330. That gives us a reproduction rate of roughly 110 per year.

Military Balance 2021

These are all guesses, but let's say they have 400 viable tanks and can produce 100 new ones each year if they're motivated, which they are. They could (and would) pull tanks out of storage, but that doesn't change the direction that much.

No Tanks

I have personally seen dozens of these tanks burning in the ruins of Gaza, must be near 100 with mine own eyes. After just a few weeks of invading Lebanon, the Islamic Resistance Operations Room says,

According to reports by the fighters of the Islamic Resistance, the enemy’s losses have reached more than 70 killed and over 600 wounded from the ranks of the "israeli" army’s officers and soldiers. Additionally, 28 Merkava tanks, 4 military bulldozers, an armored vehicle, and a troop carrier have been destroyed. Three "Hermes 450" drones and one "Hermes 900" drone have also been downed.

These figures do not include the "israeli" losses in military bases and barracks in the north and deep within occupied Palestine.

Only the 28 Merkava tanks destroyed is relevant here, but I include the rest because mashallah. Let's say this is at least a third of yearly production gone in a few weeks, with more probably damaged. And this is just the last few weeks. Hezbollah released a summary of activities for a year's worth of stand-off warfare— from the Al Aqsa Flood to the current drowning.

Hezbollah summary of activities from October 2023 to 2024. Via RNN

Under Enemy Losses it says 141 military vehicles but doesn't separate tanks vs. APC, etc. Since we're just napkining, let's say 20 for the year 'Israel' was tooling around on its 'border', accelerating to 28 losses once they crossed. I'm being conservative here but you'll see why, this begins to add up. Let's round the Hezbollah chunk up to 50 for napkin's sake.

In Gaza, the Mujahideen Brigade (who I would rank as #3 most active) reported 80 military vehicles targeted in a year. How many tanks destroyed? Dunno, let's say 5, and round it up to 10 to include all the other Resistance groups (including in the West Bank), which are many. So we're already at -60 total.

Saraya Al Quds Order of Operations

Saraya Al-Quds (Palestinian Islamic Jihad), who I would rank #2, reported nearly 2,000 operations but not broken down by matériel damage. I've seen the videos and therein I've seen Thaqeb explosives (47) and barrel bombs (34) frequently used against tanks, along with handheld anti-armor (303). Does this tell us how many tanks were destroyed? No. But going by the stuff I've seen burning, let's say 20. So we're already at -80 tanks, without getting to the main battle.

Now we get to the big guns. Hamas's Al-Qassam Brigades are the main fighting force fighting this genocide. While I can't find a list or infographic, I found this statement from October 7th 2024, stating,

Al-Qassam fighters were able to lure soldiers and vehicles to point-blank and target and destroy 1,592 zionist military vehicles that varied between tanks, zionist troop carriers, and military bulldozers, in addition to targeting the headquarters, gatherings, and soldier defenses. The battle, as the enemy claimed, resulted in the killing of 726 zionist officers and soldiers, while our fighters continue to write history and strike the zionist forces penetrated and positioned in several axes of the Gaza Strip and forcing them to retreat to deprive them from this blessed land.

These are heavy losses. If we say one third tanks that would be all of them, without even factoring in the other factions. Let's say 100 tanks destroyed? I can honestly remember seeing at least 20 tanks burning with my own eyes, and they don't film everything. With our bloody napkin total, we're talking about -180 tanks blown out of a 400 tank army, not counting all those damaged and in the shop, which are also out of commission. With a margin of error of, I dunno, a 100, this is still quite bad. This is a major problem for the problem makers in the Middle East, which should show up even through wartime censorship. As it does.


In July, 'Israel' had to release information about tanks because of a Supreme Court case. Someone made a petition that women should be able to join the tank genocide, and 'Israel' said no tanks because they had already tanked so hard.

The 'Israeli' governmnet said, “objective difficulties have arisen due to the fighting in the Gaza Strip and other fronts, especially in the [IOF's] combat units.” The response also said, “There are many constraints that will prevent the inauguration of the integration program next year, including the inoperability of many tanks, a shortage of ammunition, and a significant number of recruits needed to fill positions in the armored corps in the south and north, not as part of the program, and a shortage of training personnel. To translate, ‘The matériel has burnt, with the men inside of it. Tanks but no tanks, there is literally no place for women.’

Another sign of trouble in the hell-state is repairs. 'Israel' has maybe lost 20 tanks total before and all repairs have been done in-house. But now there's obviously too many busted treads, and—for the first time—they've issued a tender for private sector repair. They're also talking about outsourcing production. There's obviously a crunch, visible even through tight military censorship.

The fact remains that the 'Israeli' military is winning the genocide and losing the war. Their tanks are burning and their troops are committing suicide when/if they get home. This is why the Nazis made gas chambers. Using the military for genocide breaks both men and matériel, for little military benefit. As I've said, 'Israel' has already lost and the Resistance is fighting the final boss of colonialism, America. And this is just one front America is burning on, witness the steppes of Ukraine or their retreat from Afghanistan. 'Israel' is the last colony of the last days of colonialism.

As Al-Qassam's warrior sage Abu Obeida pointed out in a recent statement,

This entity depends only on the American-made and directed air force, and is only held together by the familiar American administrations’ ropes, which will be cut no matter how long it takes, just as it depends on European colonial ropes that are rejected even by their own people, and on incapable normalizing regimes that do not represent the conscience of our nation in any way.

I know it's easy to lose hope because all this matériel is being used for terrorism, which is terrifying. They want us to watch all their murdering, torturing, and raping, and lose the will to resist entirely. But understand that this is all psychological warfare. The Americans are trying to break the will of resistance in a way that has broken no resistance movement ever. But the Resistance is not breaking. Why should you, in comfort, even bend?

As the martyr philosopher Basil Al-Araj said, “The enemy will spread photos and videos of their invasion into Gaza, occupation of residential buildings, or presence in public areas and well-known landmarks. This is part of the psychological warfare in guerrilla wars; you allow your enemy to move as they wish so that they fall into your trap and you strike them.”

Or as Hezbollah's late, great leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said, “If your tanks come to Lebanon and its south, you will not suffer from a shortage of tanks, because you will no longer have tanks.” Assassinating neither of these sages changed the truth, they merely made eternal martyrs of the messengers.

Hezbollah's attacks have only gone up since Nasrallah's assassination. At the rate that Hezbollah is dismantling tanks now, 'Israel' will truly not have tanks anymore. And this is just one part of Hezbollah's strategic dismantling of 'Israeli' defenses (see how 'Israel' Lost The North). Before 'Israel' walked into the well-planned tank ambush of southern Lebanon, Hezbollah systematically dismantled its air defenses and is now regularly hitting Tel Aviv. They even put a drone through Benjamin's Netanyahu's stolen window, as a how do you do? 'Israel' is not doing well militarily and merely trying to cover it up with mass terrorism.

It's important to understand, as the Resistance does, that the 'Israeli' military has already lost, their Navy can't even show up against Yemen, their Army can't defeat Hamas or Hezbollah, and their Air Force can't defeat Iran. 'Israel' depends on America for everything now, making the non-entity a non-entity. They're just delivery boys for American bombs, working on colonial commission. And America itself can't even show up, they're actually in the middle of a long retreat from the world, furiously throwing proxies in front of themselves and resorting to open terrorism. All of these assassinations and massacres, as terrifying as they are, are not signs of strength. These are the weapons of the weak. Meanwhile the so-called terrorists (really terroirists) have been laser-focused on engaging and destroying the enemy forces (shout-out Clausewitz), quite strategically.

Unfortunately for us all (we are all Palestinian), a long bloody road is ahead, possibly ending in nuclear holocaust because who cares when you've already dropped multiple nukes worth on a captive population of mostly children. Just as the Nazis kept killing and left a scorched earth long after they'd obviously lost WWII, the Nazis of our time will keep killing and genociding long after it makes no sense (it never did). But take heart in history and have faith in the Resistance. Their work is buried under mountains of propaganda and rivers of blood, but they have done wonders. Much better men than me died for each of these statistics. Much better men have died for this strategic logic. For those who have lost everything, the least we can do is not lose heart.

So as dear Basil said, “Never spread panic; be supportive of the resistance and do not spread any news broadcast by the occupation (forget about the ethics and impartiality of journalism; just as the zionist journalist is a fighter, so are you).” And, as he continued, “every Palestinian (in the broad sense, meaning anyone who sees Palestine as a part of their struggle, regardless of their secondary identities), every Palestinian is on the front lines of the battle for Palestine, so be careful not to fail in your duty.”