How America Still Has Slavery

America's warlikeness today is no different from Roman warlikeness then, and the purpose is the same. Conquer people to take resources and slaves. In ye olde days Empire conquered foreign lands to physically bring home slaves. These days White Empire (America, Britain, 'Israel', same thing) can merely destabilize foreign lands and the slaves bring themselves. They call this mass migration but it doesn't come from the masses. It comes from western elites having the same demand for exploitable labor as they always did, with the same desire to denigrate it so they don't have to really pay. Today's slaves are called prisoners or 'illegal immigrants' or just 'immigrants' but the phenomenon is—as my historical thesis goes—same shit, different day.
That's why I read history rather than the news, the present is honestly clearer in the past. I was reading this in Cornell and Matthews Atlas of the Roman World and it sounds like today:
Peasant families were driven out in large numbers by rich investors and were replaced on the land by slave labor. Slaves were in plentiful supply thanks to military victories and the resulting mass enslavement of defeated populations; they could be organized in gangs to provide the necessary labor for large-scale agricultural enterprises, they were relatively cheap and had the additional advantage of being exempt from conscription.
In the same way today, America's 'investor' class uses slave labor for industrial agriculture, factories, and as their own nannies and gardeners. And this applies similar pressure on American peasants with pickups. The labor sucking nature of the Rome's latifundia (big agricultural estates) is the same as Big Ag today. As Cornell and Matthews continue,
Thus the development of the latifundia was facilitated by the influx of wealth and slaves, the products of victories which had been won by the efforts and sacrifice of Italian peasants who served in the army. As Keith Hopkins puts it, "Roman peasant soldiers were fighting for their own displacement.”
The pickup peasantry's anti-immigrant feelings are borne from the same ancient economic pressure, and these feelings are gleefully stoked by the elites who want migrant labor abused and exploitable, and someone else blamed. The rich, of course, need slaves to get richer themselves, and want the poor to fight the poorer instead of pitchforking them. Thus the rich play the peasants against the slaves and profit both ways. American 'suckers and losers' join the army and serve as a bunch of debt slaves creating passport slaves, it's the perfect war crime. The victims blame each other while the perps get away. American elites (Corporate AI, really) use the American poor to violently fracking the earth for even poorer people, gaslighting everyone along the way. Then they laugh all the way to the bank, as the pickup peasants fight the slaves in the back.
Prison Slaves
America was founded by using slave labor captured from the African continent and it continues to enslave mostly Black people through mass incarceration. Kamala Harris, for example, served as a slave overseer in California recently. As Attorney General, she demanded to keep slaving even after federal judges ruled that conditions were cruel and unusual (even for America). As a report at the time said,
Most of those prisoners now work as groundskeepers, janitors and in prison kitchens, with wages that range from 8 cents to 37 cents per hour. Lawyers for Attorney General Kamala Harris had argued in court that if forced to release these inmates early, prisons would lose an important labor pool.
America's 13th amendment pointedly still allows slavery “as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted” and uses this power every day. For example, “Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies, including McDonald’s & Wendy’s,” and you still see scenes of men on horses commanding press-gangs of slave labor, just like the old day. Names change, but the present is still deranged.
In California, prison slaves are used to fight dangerous fires, a job they paradoxically cannot hold as a job, because they are felons. America has the largest incarcerated population in the world and they use them as slaves. But even that's not enough these days. The rate of profit must be maintained!
Illegal Immigrants
The next class of slave in America are the 'illegal' immigrants. Early Americans all came across the ocean without papers and actually raped, killed, and stole from the Native Americans. As you quickly learn with America, every accusation is a confession. These same non-native Americans locked the gate they broke into and now complain endlessly about natives moving across the continent in the native way. The completely artificial classification of people into 'documented' and 'undocumented' gives America the power to exploit an underclass of labor, ie to create slaves. American foreign policy whips them across the border, while American domestic racism whips them into shape.
America complains that Central and South America need to stop the flow of migrants northwards but, again, every accusation is a confession. America is constantly overthrowing, couping, invading, and corrupting southern governments, and then complaining that these governments are fucked up. What Americans don't understand is that 99% of the global problems they complain about could be solved from them just fucking off. The Purpose Of a System Is What It Does (POSIWID), and America destabilizes the world on purpose. Better to shake the labor loose. Always remember POSIWID, and look at what American foreign policy actually does. Ignore the verbiage they bury the bodies in. South America is conquered (to various degrees) by America and forced to supply slave labor. That's all that's happening, in the history beneath the news.
The modern innovation of America is that they figured out that how to conquer by losing. They don't have to win wars of conquest, they just have to wreck countries enough that the people have to flee, and then take credit for 'helping' with a problem they cause. America doesn't need to physically occupy the land and march the slaves out like the Romans did. America can just attack, even without winning, and the slaves walk themselves over. Then Americans can piously complain while greedily using the labor and cunningly using their own peasantry to kick down rather than looking up.
As we saw during the 2019 plague, 'illegal' immigrants are paradoxically essential labor, the people that feed, clothe, and care for Americans. America needs 'illegal' immigration, indeed it's founded on the concept, and it needs to have them outside the law and exploitable. This is how they deliver the rate of profit required to keep the rich in second yachts and third wives. The whole place runs—then as now—on slavery. Freedom™ is just the marketing label they stamp on top of slavery, and load into bombs to keeps the slaves coming.
'Legal' immigrants (who gives a fuck about the legal opinions of thieves?) are just a higher category of slaves. Legal immigrants have some legal rights, but little security. They are an exploitable underclass, just less exploitable than the 'illegals,' who they can starve, rape, and not pay at all. As in Ancient Greece or Rome, there are different punishments (exile) and taxes (fees) for this different class of people. And the public freaks out if an immigrant commits a fraction of the crime the native-born population is doing every day. America has an even bigger and more severe class system than the ancients and the only rule, then as now, is always kick down.
Legal immigrants are merely the highest of the foreign slave classes (and often the most eager to kick down). Immigrants have to beg, apply, and wait for permission to contribute their labor, and are selected specifically for their masters' needs. What Americans call immigrants are just the modern version of bonded labor or indentured servants, ie how many Europeans arrived there, although they didn't need papers. Modern indentured servants have to apply to join the underclass and then work off their lowly status over many years. Immigrant is a slave term within White Empire which you can tell because it goes one way. When a white person (don't be white if that bothers you) immigrates, they're an expat, not an immigrant. This nonsense only makes sense in the context of immigration as imperial slavery.
Immigrants, as a higher class of slave, can rise to very high positions these days. Indentured Indians are the preferred choice to take them over the reins of tech empires, for example. See Sundar Pichai running Google while the founders have endless midlife crises, or Satya Nadel running Microsoft while Bill Gates took the rape express with Jeff Epstein. There's no one better to actually run the empire than loyal slaves, which Indians especially have been supplying for centuries.
Within a generation, the 'native-born' children of these indentured servants can rise to Vice President or theoretically President, as with the half-Indian Kamala Harris. The position is just a front for the oligarchs (a brain-dead Biden can do it), but those clambering up the ladder by stepping on their own people still covet it. The only price is that you kick down the ladder even more vigorously than your masters. Indeed, there is no one more hostile to the poor man at the door than a rich man's servant.
Same Slaving, Different Day
These people are all slaves. America still has slavery. They literally have people still breaking rocks in the fields and still picking cotton in the fields and still serving as indentured servants but they call it something different so it's OK. Americans have got the idea that the idea of slavery is bad, but the whole economy is built on slave labor and can't operate any other way. So they just changed words to keep the numbers right and kept slaving. Thus, black slaves became prison slaves, native slaves became illegal immigrants, and indentured servants became immigrants plain. But it's the same slavery as American history or even Roman history, just at an even more abominable scale. I'll repeat because history keeps repeating. It's the same shit, different day.