DEI Genocide

I hate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Diversify what? It's a dumpster fire. Equity in what? An empire in terminal, terminating decline? Inclusion in what? Imperialism and genocide? Fuck DEI and all the latest comprador class like Kamala Harris. They're conducting a DEI Genocide. I'm not proud that someone like me has acquired some titles. I'm embarrassed and horrified.
DEI is not some new imperial invention. White Empire has always been a Ponzi scheme, so they've always needed new suckers. And all empires need new blood to do the blood-letting, they all start from city-states and expand the definition of citizen over time, especially for military service. Just ask the 'Black' Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, who didn't earn his name by being nice. Today a Tamil/Jamaican woman is vying to be the last Emperor of White Empire, while committing war crimes. She's in all the meetings, she's on all the emails, she is guilty of exterminating, starving, torturing and raping Palestinians. Refaat's Al Areer's last words were condemning Kamala Harris by retweet. She is responsible for sending a guided missile through his window, killing him, his brother, sister, and four of his little nieces.

The proper reaction to brown face on White Empire is resistance, not persistence until you get to be Prime Butler. That's the choice too many social-climbing sociopaths have taken. But participation in capitalism is not liberation. It's becoming a slave driver, and a traitor to the human race (not to mention the myriad creatures).
The fact is that colored people (I'm looking at you Indians) have always been the administrators of White Empire, high-caste Desi boys are educated for it. The most proximate face stomping on our face has always been our face. Today we get better titles and privileges, it is, as my historical thesis goes, same shit, different day. Rishi Sunak had to literally get power from the King of England who was wearing stolen Indian loot, it's actually a humiliation. Kamala Harris had to wait till the mad king of America basically died and come after him with a mop. Besides the scorn I have for these people, they should be hung as war criminals. These traitors are presiding over the most terrifying scenes I've seen in my life. How many dead children have you seen before breakfast? I've seen plenty, and each is a whole universe snuffed out of existence. There is no pride in presiding over the Genocide of Gaza. Only eternal condemnation.
This is why I'm against integration. Integrate into what? The historically worst countries on earth? Who are doing Nazi shit right now? This is why I'm anti-immigration. I don't think we should go to their shitholes and clean up their mess. Half these people don't even wash their butts! They're uncivilized. However—because it has been the Opposite's Day for 400 years—the uncivilized become civilizers, the majority becomes minorities, and the land of the free is built on slaves. First chattel slavery and now debt slavery and wage slavery. The very concept of 'illegal immigration' (coming from colonizers!) is the slavery of our times.
People from the South pay the North billions of dollars for the privilege of filling out a job application, to grow their food and care for their grandparents. This age of mass immigration is not some natural phenomenon, borders are entirely artificial. Mass migration is part of the ongoing war crime that is White Empire. Capturing people and capturing their labor is literally their whole power supply.
Note to readers: I am going to stop my second edit here because I need to pay at least token attention to my family, forgive the typos.
Immigration is framed as some favor the colonizers give the colonized, but it is in fact the lifeblood of colonialism. You can't colonize without colonists, it says so on the tin! When white people were doing it (and being created out of diverse European races) they were called settlers. Now that brown people doing it are called 'immigrants' but it's the same thing. Remembering that it's still Opposite's Day, settlement is deeply unsettling. And, remember, this is an ongoing process anytime anybody moves to Canada. Decolonization never happened, they just rebranded and kept us making Nikes.
The 'prize' of being a model minority (itself an inanity, we're a majority) is that you get what? You get to rent stolen land in America, Australia, and Canada? You get to care for European grandparents instead of your own? You get to fill out endless forms, so the White Empire can pick you like (or actually as) a mail order bride? You get to take education and healthcare from your home countries and then go give the same services to white people? Then, in a few generations, your culture and language are nothing but a tattoo and a cookbook on a shelf? This is why I'm anti-immigration. I don't think we should be going to these places at all. It's not liberating, it's literally colonizing.
A Brief Digression On Whiteness
As mentioned, White is an anomalous race. The violent tribes of Europe mixed themselves into one ultraviolent breeding population (which is rapidly expanding into other 'colors'). White is not a color, it's a state of mind, and the mind of state. It's the ruling hierarchy of Empire, which as mentioned, has to keep expanding or die. Empire is always an environmental and ethical Ponzi scheme and all empires collapse. The White Empire is collapsing with blackface on.
Way back them, Muhammad Ali refused to be a foot soldier in Empire, literally refusing to 'serve' (re: kill) in Vietnam. He was not the white man's servant, he was his own man, and a champion. He was defiant. Muhammad Ali was a street philosopher (the best kind) and he had a keen perception of Black and White. Ali said:
Cathal O'Sannon: How was it Muhammad, anyway, to be a negro boy in the South.
Muhammad Ali: We say Black now. I understand about you.
O'Sannon: Is it not the same thing?
Ali: No, [when we talk about] negro, we're talking...
All people are named after countries Chinese are named after China, Cubans are named after Cuba Irish people are named after Ireland, Indonesians named after Indonesia, Japanese are named after Japan, Australians are named after Australia. But there's no country named Negros. You understand?
The fact is there's no country called White. It's the invisible empire that hides in plain sight. It's an inclusive empire by tradition, as Noel Ignaetiv said, the Irish became white. As James Baldwin said, “No one was white before he/she came to America.” Almost as a necessary corollary, no one was Black either. There is more genetic diversity within Africa than without. Myriad traumatized tribes were kidnapped out of Africa, raped and terrorized into Blackness, and this original sin is Empire's original source of power. Before fossil fuels, human labor and solar power were the main energy sources. It was a Plantation Economy, which required free plantation labor to turn a profit. The foundation of White Empire's wealth is from slavery, and it's still built the same way.
The economic partition into Black and White is still the polarity that powers White Empire. Racism and not fossil fuels is White Empire's most vital power supply. The White Empire doesn't run on gas. It runs on gaslighting. White Empire wants the south to think we're undeveloped, but we developed them. We're literally putting clothes on your back right now, check the label. We're still picking cotton, one way or another.
The division of labor into Black and White is the core of capitalist class relations, and ergo power. It's what enables wealth transfer up. Someone has to be down. Batteries work based on a walled off energy differential, and it's the same thing for the walled empire.

Racism is the necessary polarity of imperial politics, it's a global battery of assault and battery. Massive flows of human and natural resources flow upwards from Global South to Global North, just check your undies or your phone. So the Dirty South literally builds the Empire, and then we provide customer service by offering our children into oblivion. People like me become second-class settlers, until our own children get diluted into Whiteness. And we're supposed to aspire to this. It's dystopian, not aspirational.
Rishi Sunak and Kamala Harris are not success stories. I am not proud of them. I am deeply ashamed that they are mass-murdering children and raping hostages to death, I am deeply ashamed of them and also deeply embarrassed as a brown man. In addition to being evil, vapid, social climbers, these people are dumbasses. Empire is obviously on fire, and they're stepping right into it, for the last photo op in the history books. Kamala thinks she's up there with the Roman Emperors, but she'd be the negro Nero.
Brown and female faces will be left holding the bag as White (male) Empire escapes to a private island. Dumb brown mugs will be plastered next to actually dead babies and actually raped hostages forever. On the side of Allah, mashallah, there's the Axis of Resistance and the heroes with Yassin 105s, but on the side of Shaytan there's these shitheads, out here embarassing all your relatives. At least some brown people are representing, while Rishi and Kamala are hollow representatives. As White Empire is falling, brown people are the fall guys.
White Empire was already becoming a flaming bag of dog shit by the 1980s and they've left it on the doorstep of some immigrants and run off, laughing all the way to the bank. Politics is a total shitshow now, and these wogs were dumb enough to jump right into it. They're grinning like they were winning a House Prize. As the saying goes, play Nazi games, win Nazi prizes. Comparing future atrocities to Nazis will be unnecessary. Future atrocities will be compared to 'Israelis' and 'Americans' with 'Britain' and 'Germany' as humiliated little vassals on the sidelines. Being leader of any of these colonial shitshows at the end is a historical embarrassment and, more importantly, war crime. And brown fools like Kamala Harris have jumped on a historical land mine, thinking it's a find. Most embarrassingly of all, for generations after, ignorant, bitter white men will say, “White Empire was going great while we were running it. But then came DEI.”