When Will This End?

Every morning I wake up and wish 'Israel' dead and it's still killing. Every night I hope the American nightmare will end but it's still living. When will this end? I ask again and again, and the answer seems forever forthcoming. Despair, however, is not for the distant to indulge in. As long as the Resistance doesn't give up, we can't either. The fact is that this will end, the Resistance has a plan to end it, and the White Empire (America, Britain, 'Israel', same thing) is groaning under its own contradictions.
The (Written) Response From The Resistance
Today 'Israel' has killed hundreds of people, mostly children, in their sleep like the cowards they are. This was done with American bombs and planes, British intelligence, and general imperial intransigence, because they are even greater cowards. I do not read the western news, which at this point has bloodily shit itself and is complicit in this genocide, or even Al Jazeera, which has a soft spot for Al Qaeda (HTS). Instead I read the Resistance directly, and if they're steadfast under fire, I follow their lead (on Telegram). If they don't despair under fire, how can we, sitting comfortably?
In response to the latest atrocities, Hamas Political Bureau Member Izzat Al-Rishq said, “Netanyahu has decided to resume the war of extermination, viewing it as his lifeline from internal crises…. The enemy will not achieve through war and destruction what it failed to achieve through negotiations. Military pressure and brutal aggression will not succeed in breaking the will of our people and our resistance.”
The Mujahideen Movement said, “We affirm that Netanyahu and his criminal government will not succeed in breaking the will of our people and their resistance, just as they have failed throughout more than fifteen months of genocide and ethnic cleansing. We call on the free people of the world to pressure the Zionist government and its supporters to stop the genocide, ethnic cleansing, and brutal siege on Gaza and to continue supporting our people in all arenas.” You can see here the call to you and why it matters. But know that if you're serious, you'll sacrifice something.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad said, “This new aggression will not give the enemy the upper hand over the resistance, neither on the ground nor in negotiations. It will not extricate Netanyahu and his bloodthirsty Nazi government from the crises they are escaping. Rather, it will further weaken them and accumulate more failures, leaving them humiliated and submissive. We affirm that what Netanyahu and his barbaric army have been unable to achieve over fifteen months of crimes and bloodshed, they will again be unable to achieve, thanks to the steadfastness of our oppressed people and the bravery of our fighters in the arenas of jihad and resistance. It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.”
And Ansarallah of Yemen—the only brave people answering the call incumbent on all under the Genocide Convention—said, “The coincidence of the Zionist escalation against the Gaza Strip with the American aggression against Yemen aims to impose the equation of desecration of the nation and impose a grim reality. The Zionist escalation against the Gaza Strip takes advantage of the unprecedented abandonment by the Arab regimes. We reiterate that Yemen, with its armed forces, will continue its military escalation in support of Gaza and the Palestinian people until the aggression stops and the blockade is lifted.”
When Will This End? Historical Background
Given that they're not giving up, we can return to our original question, when will this end? The fact is that resistance and persistence have won liberation before—from Algeria to Vietnam—but in those cases, only after millions dead and decades bled. Hamas leader Khaled Mashal quite consciously referenced these historical struggles when he said, on October 19, 2023,
Dear sister, nations are not easily liberated. The Russians sacrificed 30 million people in World War II, in order to liberate it from Hitler's attack. The Vietnamese sacrificed 3.5 million people until they defeated the Americans. Afghanistan sacrifice millions of martyrs to defeat the USSR and then the US. The Algerian people sacrificed six million martyrs over 130 years. The Palestinian people are just like any other nation. No nation is liberated without sacrifices.
No historical analysis of this region is even begun without Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the only historical actor to completely free a nation from the White Empire (for which they have been punished mercilessly ever since). The Ayatollah said, in October 2024,
Al-Aqsa Flood and the year-long Resistance of Gaza and Lebanon have brought the usurping regime to a point where its main concern is to protect its existence, which is the same concern that the Zionist regime had in the early years of its cursed creation. This means that the struggles of the fighters of Palestine and Lebanon have been able to push back the Zionist regime to the position it was in 70 years ago.
Being pushed back means 70 years means 'Israel' has about 10 years to go before it doesn't exist at all. This roughly coincides with the estimate Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin gave in 1999, for 'Israel's' demise,
I say that Israel will be gone in the first quarter of the next [21st] century, inshallah. To be precise, I say that by 2027, there will be no Israel... The Quran tells us that the generations change every 40 years. During the first 40 years, we had the Nakba, in the second 40 years, the Intifada started, with confrontations, the fighting, and the bombs, and the third 40 years, will see [Israel’s] end, inshallah. This is a Quranic conclusion.
Indeed, if you read the Quran it describes all of this, evil people getting away with it, hypocritical Arabs standing by, and good triumphing in the end end, but also in these battles, in this life. As Allah said to the Prophet Muhammad, “They are planning a scheme, and so am I: so bear with those who deny the truth, and let them be for a little while.”
Finally, though the history is much deeper, I will quote the late, great Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah. Nasrallah was a religious scholar, strategist, and tactician like no other. I miss him, my friend in history. Nasrallah stated the (then seemingly impossible) Resistance's strategy in 1992 and never wavered. As the Quran says “Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some are still waiting, and they have not changed in the least.” Hezbollah repeats this phrase in most death announcements, including that of their martyred leader. 32 years ago, Nasrallah said,
The long-term strategy of the Islamic Resistance is clear and does not require additional explanation. It involves fighting against Israel and liberating Jerusalem, as well as Imam Khomeini’s proposal—namely, ending Israel as a state. The fact that we are engaged in an existentialist battle with Israel is an honor for us, as is the fact that the Israeli enemy deals with Hezbollah on that basis. We view the Israeli enemy with a different eye—namely, that its very existence in the region poses a constant threat to Lebanon as a whole, even if it withdraws from the frontier zone.
We are not unrealistic. We do not pretend that our military capabilities and the numbers of our mujahidin would be enough to regain Jerusalem; none of us have ever made that claim. We do, however, believe that the resistance has to finish the job it started. It is impossible for us to fight the Israeli enemy through traditional and classical methods, but rather [we must fight] through a war of attrition, whereby we drain its energy, weaken it, then one day force it to withdraw. “Some claim that the withdrawal that took place in 1985 came as a result of political pressure and negotiations; this is obviously a misguided notion. The amount of losses the enemy incurred, and the fear it lived through, created enormous pressure on the Jews in the occupied territories; they, in turn, put a lot of pressure on their own government and forced it to withdraw. The enemy considered the price it paid on the ground as exceedingly high, and [former Israeli Premier Yitzak] Rabin admitted earlier on that their 1982 invasion was a very big mistake, because it introduced another group onto the battlefield, and created new enemies for Israel.”
With this historical background, let us look at the present through the historical actor's lens. For more background, please read the book Reading Resistance that I draw these quotes from, a collection I edited for my own benefit, but which is free for anyone.
The Pyrrhic Present
Historical hope is all well and good, but what does it say about our pyrrhic present? I believe Sheikh Yassin when he says 'Israel' will be gone by 2027, but what of 2026, and 2025, which are unbearable? If we return to Sayyed Nasrallah's analysis, we see that the goal is clear (“ending 'Israel' as a state”) and the method is attrition, “whereby we drain its energy, weaken it, then one day force it to withdraw.” Both men are of course dead, but Ho Chi Minh won despite being dead. There are historical precedents.
Returning to Ayatollah Khamenei's analysis, he also said that, “This malicious regime is rootless, fallacious, and unstable, and it has only managed to stand on its feet with difficulty with US support. And God willing, this too will not last for long.” The point here, proven on day one of Al Aqsa Flood, was that 'Israel' cannot stand on its own without constant political and military support from America and the entire White Empire (Britain, Germany, and all its increasingly whipped bitches). 'Israel' was actually beaten on October 7th and the Resistance is now facing the final boss of colonialism, America. That's a big reason the 'Israeli' corruption of America has become so heavy-handed and obvious. That's where the battle is now.
Describing 1982, Nasrallah said that invasion of Lebanon “was a very big mistake, because it introduced another group onto the battlefield, and created new enemies for Israel.” Today in 2025, 'Israel's' invasions of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria have introduced many new groups onto the battlefield, and everyone in the world hates 'Israel' now. Its position is only sustained by elites in politics and media shoving 'Israel' down their throats, but these politicians are all falling and the elites are tumbling. The pressure is not yet too much, but it's a lot. As Ho Chi Minh said in 1956, as they too began facing the final boss,
Our present political struggle is a long, hard and complex one, but it will certainly be victorious. Victory is certain because our cause is just, our people are closely united and of one mind, our fellow-countrymen in both South and North are struggling with heroism, the peoples of the world are supporting us and the world peace movement is growing stronger every day, while the imperialists’ warlike schemes have suffered ever more serious failures.
The same things are happening now, and if anything faster, because America is both weaker and dumber. In the 1960s America had industrial power and leaders with military experience, but now it is deindustrialized and led by dumbasses. The people of the world certainly support Palestine now, the cause is seared into our eyeballs. Remember that white people are the global minority, and even that support is expensively maintained by an even slimmer minority in their media.
Today, anyone who thinks the least bit honestly acknowledges the need for Palestinian armed resistance (genocide is the clearest case for self-defense of all). As the saying goes, “Those who are in solidarity with our corpses and not our rockets are hypocrites, and not of us.” Hamas is increasingly not haram across the non-Muslim world, with thousands responding to a threat of Hamas coming to visit them by laying out pictures of food to welcome them (as I certainly would). American propaganda is increasingly disjointed and openly dishonest, people are supposed to oppose Hamas because they're Muslim, but also support a rebranded Al Qaeda (HTS) which is actually slaughtering Christians. Does any of this make sense without massive media dollars to back it up? The contradictions become more and more unsustainable.
Nasrallah described mounting pressure on 'Israel' last century, but now the pressure is on America directly. From the Lesser Satan to the Great Satan. America is now forced to throw out its own Bill of Rights for the privileges of 'Israelis' to not have their genocidal feelings hurt. Thus rubs even ‘America First’ conservatives the wrong way, because Trump is obviously counting from ‘'Israel' Zero’. The Bill of Rights was always bullshit for many if not most people, but now it's being revealed as bullshit overall.
What Trump misses in his honest brutality was that these liberal illusions were a release valve for a greater pressure. Americans were so proud of being able to complain endlessly that they didn't notice nothing changing. This kept pressure from building up in ways that actually mattered to the people that count (money). But now the contradictions are building up, without a fig leaf of 'free speech' to cover them up. Why is it OK to criticize America in America but not 'Israel'? Trump introduces more cracks in the ideological edifice than a crackhead.
Contradictions, pressure, attrition, when real bombs are eviscerating real bodies, who gives a shit about these abstractions? None of this stuff matters at all, until it means everything.
Pressure has already broken 'Israel', it's descended into a completely psychotic culture only sustained by open corruption and repression abroad (precisely the impression Jews, historically, cannot afford). 'Israel' has already avidly killed its own people under the admitted Hannibal Doctrine on October 7th and bombed its own hostages for nearly two years now. They're literally killing themselves and tearing themselves apart. The only thing holding 'Israel' together is back against-the-wall defensiveness, but that wall (being America) is crumbling.
In 'Israel' (unlike America) you are actually allowed to criticize 'Israel', and you can hear them echo the same analysis as the Resistance (because it's true). As Itay Blumenthal said in some cursed (auto-translated) publication, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the IDF to attack the Gaza Strip tonight, thereby ending the ceasefire. This is happening by precise coincidence or perhaps everything was planned in advance, just a day after he began the process of dismissing Shin Bet chief Blumenthal Ronen Bar - and hours before the huge demonstrations planned.” The pressure in 'Israel' has already boiled over and they cannot survive a day without external support, meaning America.
America, however, historically cannot stand much pressure. See Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc. As the Taliban said, you may have the watches, but we have the time. Simply surviving has long been a winning (by losing) strategy for resistance against the genocidal colony when it goes genocidally imperial. As Henry Kissinger said, “the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.” America doesn't even have evil theoreticians like that anymore, it just keeps repeating the same evil practice and losing over and over again. As I said what feels like years ago, 'Israel' is winning the genocide and losing the war. It is now completely dependent America, which is itself collapsing. This is the definition of a pyrrhic victory, you leave a ruin but ruin yourself in a process. Thus it is not the pyrrhic present for us, but for them.
Blame The Jews
You can already see America—as the seat of White Empire—preparing the exits. 'Israel' and America have a deep colonial co-dependency which people simplify as 'Israel' (or the Jews) controlling America. It's not that simple, as Nasrallah has said. It's hard to tell which is corrupting the other, and neither is innocent (no one colonizes innocently, as Fanon said).
Describing the brass-tacks geopolitics, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The insistence of the US and its allies on ensuring the safety of the usurping regime serves as a cover for their lethal policy of changing the [Zionist] regime into a tool for seizing all the resources of this region and using it [that regime] in major global conflicts.” At the same time, Jews are at the center of American capitalism and government and quite genuinely corrupt the already corrupt America from within. The corruption goes both ways, who's left holding the bag is the only question. As the pressure builds up, it seems more and more likely that the Jews will be blamed, as is a long European tradition.
Americans are now increasingly questioning why their representatives spend more time on 'Israel' than their crumbling constituencies. Every time these corrupt politicians post online, they're bombarded with infographics showing how bribed they are by AIPAC. This is not a good look. ‘America First’ Trump (also bought for $100 million by a Jewish gambling heir, and certainly in whatever Epstein files) cunningly prefaces his abductions with SHALOM, clearly identifying the Jewish influence upon himself. This admits corruption yes, but also deflects blame.
As the pressure builds up, the White Empire is increasingly, perhaps instinctively, putting the Jews front and center, all the better to take the blame and save their own asses when it all goes south. Remember that as much obvious Jewish corruption there is, America is plenty corrupt on its own. They're quite happy to appear under Jewish control because appearances can be deceiving. The white people that Jews think (erroneously) they are will happily shake their Jewish tail off and run at the first sign of real trouble. Which is now. Just look at the stock market.
If you follow America, the only thing you really need to follow is the money. Quranic, political, and military predictions aside, it's important to remember that White Empire since the VoC first IPO'd in 1602 has been a business above all. A business given continents to devour, and now finally devouring its home. To understand the business of empire, you don't analyze its professed faith or politics anymore than you'd analyze a business using its marketing. That's all bullshit. Even understanding its military is helpful but not sufficient, as America is full of zombie companies, and capitalism (née colonialism) has always been a Ponzi. To understand America, you have to understand the phrase popularized in the 1976 docudrama All The President's Men, “Follow the money.” Or as Jerry Maguire said, “Show me the money!”
America will keep going and goring until you fuck with its money, then they'll cut you loose. America will happily destroy its reputation, alliance, and universities. America gives zero fucks about human suffering at home and negative fucks abroad. But the minute their false golden idol called ‘the economy’ starts shuddering, they'll spring into action. As we all saw with COVID-19, America didn't react while its own people were dying, only when the stock market was affected.
This is why I reference the first IPO in 1602. It is the same shit, different day, ever since unenlightened people incarnated their greed into a stock market and gave it a planet to feed on and incinerate. That's all ‘they’ care about, and if ‘they’ develop feelings, they'll be replaced. We have actually been ruled by Corporate AI for centuries, but that's another story. Speaking of these times, America will keep using 'Israel' until its stock market and economy crash, at which point the abomination and American Jewry themselves will be the convenient fall guys. It's the perfect alibi for the perfect crime, well rehearsed by the Europeans that invented antisemitism.
Sometime this decade (soon, inshallah) the deeply repressed financial fart of 2008 is going to explode into a deep depression. Shit will hit the fan. America has actually been bankrupt for decades, covering it up with money printing, but very soon America will be revealed as it long was. Morally, militarily, and monetarily bankrupt. The Greatest Depression is coming soon, though exactly when is the trillion-rupee question. At that point, all bets are off. At that point, politicians genuflecting before 'Israel' will turn or be overturned and sustaining the distant and disastrous colony will become politically unsustainable. Like a game of crack the whip, Jews, as the tail end of whiteness, will be whipped off.
You can already see the seeds of this being planted and growing. It used to be impossible to talk about ‘the Jews’ without looking like a nut job, but now if you don't you look like a rube. 'Israel' is marketing itself as the Jewish State and branding war crimes with the Star of David on the boob tube. People are more and more talking about the predations and corruptions of the Jews, and it's not untrue. Jewish extremism is mainstream now, and incredibly loud and rude. What are people supposed to think? It's not blood libel if it's true and it's not a conspiracy theory if it's happening in front of you. A few good apples aside, Zionists have spoiled it for the whole bunch.
Now Jews are killing children and corrupting governments in public and making people watch, and disappearing them off the streets if they complain about it. It's one thing controlling America from behind the scenes, but once it becomes obvious, then you're on stage and it's inevitably curtains. American opinions provable have fuck-all do to with American operations, but when the economy collapses, they do have AR-15s as pitchforks. American elites (which include but are not all Jews) don't want to be on the end of that, so somebody's got to take the fall.
What will be incredibly easy to say, as it all goes away? All it takes is one politician to say that the Jews did it, and he'll find plenty play. They've certainly been going cray. Jews are thus being set up as the fall guys for the fall of Judeo-Christian Civilization, which they're only a part of. They're also apart from it, so they can be thrown away. What Jews forget is that—their petty predations aside—they are not the apex predators. Europeans devoured entire continents while the Jews can't even consume Gaza.
Zionists think they've cunningly allied with the Germans who genocided them and the Americans who pushed their boats back, but this was always a marriage of convenience, and it's pretty fucking inconvenient now. Antisemitism was always a European phenomenon, and allying with the most antisemitic people in the world was a phenomenal miscalculation. In the end—as it ends for all ‘allies’ it loses interest in—White Empire will jettison ‘Israel’ and throw its own Jewish population to the wolves if it comes to it.
My prediction is that this will end when A) the Resistance builds up so much pressure inside America that it B) explodes during the Greatest Depression and C) blows 'Israel' and Jews out the pre-prepared pressure valve. Jews had some credit from the last Holocaust but spent it all in this one and cannot keep the killing charade up for long. I hope that white people in general don't get away with their part (more Zionists are Christian Zionists), but Zionism is a lost cause. After crying wolf about anti-Semitism where it was not, Jews shouldn't be surprised when it actually devours them, from where it always was.
This is not a Quranic prediction and it may be moronic, but we'll find out soon enough. But returning to the title of this essay, when will this end? ‘Soon’ certainly isn't good enough for people who've already had more than enough. I'll go with 2027, as Sheikh Yassin predicted, but then surely the ‘blood-dimmed tide’ must turn sooner, ie now. I wish I knew for sure and I wish it was tomorrow, but Allah only knows and They are more than sufficient for us all. There are signs for those with eyes, and better men have lived and died following them, to a liberation they'll never experience. The least we can do is honor the martyrs, and not lose hope so near the end. The end is not now, but it is surely nigh, inshallah.
I encourage you to read more, I've collected many of the quotes here into a book called Reading Resistance, and general explanation of White Empire into a book also. See: Books.