Resistance Is Persistence

Shortly after the Tet offensive, the honest war criminal Henry Kissinger said, “the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.” Now, long after October 7th, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Homicidal Humpty together again. 'Israel' had to accept the terms that were available on October 8th, the terms defined by Hamas, the very group they promised to eliminate. Hamas has not lost and 'Israel' has not won. By Empire's own definition, Palestine has won this battle, though the war for liberation goes on.
Vietnam took massive losses in the Tet Offensive and technically lost. Kissinger said, “To be sure, from a strictly military point of view, Tet was an American victory. Viet Cong casualties were very high; in many provinces, the Viet Cong infrastructure of guerrillas and shadow administrators surfaced and could be severely mauled by American forces. But in a guerrilla war, purely military considerations are not decisive: psychological and political factors loom at least as large.”
The American military point of view, then as now, is best described by Ho Chi Minh. Uncle Ho said, “They have resorted to extremely savage means of warfare — toxic chemicals, napalm bombs, etc. — and applied a “burn all, kill all and destroy all” policy.” What the Americans have done in Gaza (with 'Israelis' as delivery boys) is nothing new, it's Colonialism 101. And Vietnam wrote the textbook on defeating it. Under (and after) Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam achieved a hat-trick of anti-imperialism, resisting occupation by the French, Japanese, and Americans. As Uncle Ho said at a conference on guerrilla warfare in 1952,
You must know that our war of resistance is a long and hard, but surely victorious, one. It is long because it will last till the enemy is defeated, till he “quits”. The 80-year-long oppression by the French imperialists is like a chronic disease that cannot be cured in one day or one year. Don’t be hasty, don’t ask for an immediate victory: this is subjectiveness. A long resistance implies hardships, but will end in victory.
Uncle Ho said this before even facing the final boss of imperialism, America, and even before the 1954 Geneva Accords that clipped France. Ho actually never lived to see full liberation, but he saw it nonetheless. He saw it coming and exhorted his people forward. He ended many communiqués with “Cordial greetings. We shall win!” Even when this was decades away, he still saw it coming, and brought it on.
Palestine has had leaders of the same caliber as Uncle Ho, however, lacking strategic depth, they have almost all been martyred. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, for example, founded Hamas with a clear vision that he, also, never got to see. In 1999 the great Yassin said,
I say Israel was founded upon in justice and plunder. Any entity founded on injustice and plunder is destined to be destroyed.
The power of no one in the world lasts forever. You start as a child, then you become a teenager, and a young man, and then you become an aged man, an elderly man, and then it’s over. The same is true of countries. They progress little by little until they become extinct. This cannot be helped.
I say that Israel will be gone in the first quarter of the next [21st] century, inshallah. To be precise, I say that by 2027, there will be no Israel.
Yassin was sadly blown out of his wheelchair in 2004, but his people and their resistance only grew stronger. Another martyr, the pharmacist philosopher Basil Al-Araj, clearly connected Palestinian strategy to classic guerrilla warfare around 2014. In I Have Found My Answers, he wrote,
The Palestinian resistance consists of guerrilla formations whose strategies follow the logic of guerrilla warfare or hybrid warfare, which Arabs and Muslims have become masters of through our experiences in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Gaza...
Our direct human and material losses will be much greater than the enemy's, which is natural in guerrilla wars that rely on willpower, the human element, and the extent of patience and endurance. We are far more capable of bearing the costs, so there is no need to compare or be alarmed by the magnitude of the numbers.
I thought of Al-Araj often over these past 15 months, because he called it and did not flinch when he was called. Hamas's Khaled Mashal (who 'Israel' famously failed to kill) believed as well, and connected the Palestinian struggle to the Vietnamese example explicitly. After October 7th, he said,
Dear sister, nations are not easily liberated. The Russians sacrificed 30 million people in World War II, in order to liberate it from Hitler's attack. The Vietnamese sacrificed 3.5 million people until they defeated the Americans. Afghanistan sacrificed millions of martyrs to defeat the USSR and then the US. The Algerian people sacrificed six million martyrs over 130 years. The Palestinian people are just like any other nation. No nation is liberated without sacrifices.
Resistance Is Persistence
Reading both of these examples, you get a deep sense that resistance is persistence. That liberation takes not years but decades, not lives but generations, and not more than you think you can bear, but more than that also. The White Empire is vicious, tenacious, and deeply evil, but they are stretched wide and stretched thin being an empire and all. With enough blood, it is possible to reclaim your own patch of soil, inshallah.
Along the way, ceasefires and compromises are as essential as coming up for air, but they are not peace. There is no peace in the Middle East until 'Israel' is destroyed, and no peace in the world until America is gone. What Uncle Ho said in his appeal to the Vietnamese nation in 1968 holds true now. He said,
After nearly a hundred years under the yoke of colonial servitude and more than twenty years of resistance against imperialist aggressive wars, our people, more than any other people hold peace which is so badly needed for national construction deep in their hearts. But this must be genuine peace in independence and freedom.
This mirrors what the martyr hero Yahya Sinwar said (in 2018) about what he was fighting for. He said,
I am not the leader of a militia, I'm from Hamas. And that's it. I am the Gaza leader of Hamas, of something much more complex than a militia—a national liberation movement. And my main duty is to act in the interest of my people: to defend it and its right to freedom and independence. You are a war correspondent. Do you like war?
Interviewer: Not at all.
And so why should I? Whoever knows what war is, doesn't like war.
Interviewer: But you have been fighting for all your life.
And I am not saying I won't fight anymore, indeed. I am saying that I don't want war anymore. I want the end of the siege. You walk to the beach at sunset, and you see all these teenagers on the shore chatting and wondering what the world looks like across the sea. What life looks like. It's breaking. And should break everybody. I want them free.
When asked about ceasefires, this is what Sinwar, the eternal commander, said. He said,
A success? This ceasefire is not for Hamas or Fatah: it is for Gaza. For me, what matters is that you finally realize that Hamas is here. That it exists. That there is no future without Hamas, there is no possible deal whatsoever, because we are part and parcel of this society, even if we lose the next elections. But we are a piece of Palestine. More than that, we are a piece of the history of the entire Arab world, which includes Islamists as well as seculars, nationalists, leftists. But with that said, please let's avoid the word 'success.' Because it's outrageous for all the terminally ill patients that right now are on the border waiting for it to open. For all the fathers that tonight won't dare to look at their kids, because they won't have any meal (to provide them). What success we are talking about?
And here we are, without Sinwar, unfortunately. After pledging to destroy Hamas (and destroying hospitals instead) the White Empire has had to acknowledge them. Hamas is here, and Palestine isn't going anywhere at all.
And so we return to today, to the news of another ceasefire which 'Israel' is already breaking and violating with massacres, including of its own hostages. The same ceasefire they could have had on October 8, 2023, were they not endlessly prevaricating, with the American Democrats fully backing Palestine's evisceration. Is there any peace here? No, only picking up the pieces. But by holding their line, holding their land to the last, and holding fast to their faith, Hamas and the Axis of Resistance have won something. You can see it in their statements now.
Dr. Khalil al-Hayya (of Hamas) said,
Today, we affirm that the occupation has not and will not defeat our people or their resistance, by the grace of Allah. The occupation has achieved nothing but destruction, devastation, and massacres against our people. It only secured its captives through an agreement with the resistance to stop the war and aggression, along with an honorable prisoner exchange deal.
Just before the ceasefire (on January 13th) Abu Obeida described the damage Al-Qassam (Hamas's military wing) was still able to inflict on invaders in deeply holocausted North Gaza. The force that made the ceasefire happen. Abu Obeida said,
After more than 100 days of the comprehensive destruction and genocide carried out by the enemy army in the northern Gaza Strip, our fighters continue to inflict heavy losses on it and deal it harsh blows that have left more than 10 dead and dozens injured in the last 72 hours.
We confirm that the losses in the ranks of the failed occupation army are much more than what it announces, and the enemy will be defeated from the northern Gaza Strip, disappointed, dragging its tails of shame without being able to break the back of the resistance, and the only achievement it has achieved is destruction, devastation and massacres against innocent people.
The numbers of 'Israeli' soldiers KIA is relatively few, but the impact on the fragile 'Israeli' military and society is powerful. 'Israeli' never achieved operational control of any part of Gaza, just massacres of civilians. It brings to mind the full quote from Kissinger, back when America was capable of self-reflection (if not correction). The war criminal said,
The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong had another advantage which they used skillfully. American 'victories' were empty unless they laid the basis for an eventual withdrawal. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong, fighting in their own country, needed merely to keep in being forces sufficiently strong to dominate the population after the United States tired of the war. We fought a military war; our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition; our opponents aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process, we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war: the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win. The North Vietnamese used their main forces the way a bullfighter uses his cape—to keep us lunging in areas of marginal political importance.
Even with American arms and British air support, 'Israel' was just lunging at areas of marginal political importance, and still getting blown up after 15 months. By America's own admittance, Hamas probably has more fighters now and, hell, I'm Hamas, South Africa is Hamas, the UN is Hamas; according to 'Israel' everyone that opposes them is Hamas, and everyone but corrupt western elites opposes 'Israel' now! In all political dimensions, 'Israel' is much worse off than if they'd taken a deal on October 8th. It all harks back to what Uncle Ho said in 1956,
Our present political struggle is a long, hard and complex one, but it will certainly be victorious. Victory is certain because our cause is just, our people are closely united and of one mind, our fellow-countrymen in both South and North are struggling with heroism, the peoples of the world are supporting us and the world peace movement is growing stronger every day, while the imperialists’ warlike schemes have suffered ever more serious failures.
As I said from the beginning, 'Israel' is winning the genocide and losing the war. Livestreaming a genocide for 15 months is a big political loss for the White Empire, and has toppled one figurehead President already. American regimes, for generations, have been trying to ‘hand-off’ the Middle East to 'Israel' and Saudi Arabia so America can attack China, but Biden has been bloodily hands-on for over a year now. American arms, British eyes in the sky, and 'Israeli' boots on the ground have been trying to put Humpty Dumpty together for months now and they can't. They have to negotiate with the same Hamas they pledged to destroy. This is a strategic loss, and having destroyed hospitals and slaughtered children doesn't make that better. It, in fact, makes it worse. The whole situation is like America spending (re: embezzling) trillions of dollars and decades to replace the Taliban with the Taliban. They have replaced Hamas with Hamas.
The human cost, of course, is unfathomable. Hundreds of thousands dead or fated to die, especially since the healthcare system was targeted for destruction, with doctors abducted and targeted for death by torture. This is the same type of terror used by the French, by the British, and by the Americans (why I call it one White Empire) and, while it is certainly terrible, they struggle more and more to hold on to territory this way. Because people willing to water the soil with the blood of patriots can inherit it. Freedom is not promised and it's certainly not pleasant, but it is possible, inshallah.
Thus when the propped corpse of Genocidin' Joe Biden says, “It will take time to feel the full impact of all that my Administration has done. But the seeds we planted will grow and bloom for decades to come,” he knows not what he says and what it means. This really harks back to the Irish martyr Bobby Sands when he said, “They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds.” 'Israel' and America have planted the seeds of their own destruction with the genocide of Gaza. Coming decades will show, inshallah, what the blind sheikh could see.
Further Reading: