Trump Forecloses On 'Israel'

As I said, 'Israel' was defeated on October 7th and the Resistance is facing the final boss of colonialism, America. Now Donald Trump just comes out and says it (full transcript). America's ruling oligarch said, “The US will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too. We’ll own it...” This is a stark admittance that 'Israel' has lost in Gaza, and that America must literally clean up after them. Except, of course, they cannot. By Kissinger's own terms, the Resistance has won the Battle of Al Aqsa Flood (by not losing), and with Trump's temerity, America loses the information war even more thoroughly than before.
While Benjamin Netanyahu stood there, gripping the lectern to keep his prostate from falling out in shock, Trump said, “I do see a long-term ownership position. Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land.” This is of course news to godless Jews like Netanyahu, who nonetheless believe that God promised them that land. As Netanyahu said in response, “He sees a different — he sees a different future for that piece of land that has been the focus of so much terrorism, so much — so many attacks against us. So, many trials and so many tribulations.” Different indeed. 'Israel' has fucked it and Trump is foreclosing on them in public. People are talking about the humiliation of Trump pulling out a chair for Netanyahu, but the greater humiliation is Trump pulling Gaza from under 'Israel' entirely.
Meanwhile the righteous Palestinians do not give a fuck about such deals among devils. Such talk—and it's just talk—only unifies men of action in the field (which both 'Israeli' and American soldiers run from to bomb hospitals from computer screens). As Palestinian Islamic Jihad said, “President Donald Trump, in his arrogance, has placed our people in the Gaza Strip before a single choice: displacement. He should remember that 15 months of relentless bombing, with 80,000 tons of American weaponry, failed to displace them. Does he now imagine that deceptive, racist statements wrapped in false humanity will achieve what bombs could not?! Our Palestinian people have always had the option of resistance, a path they have pursued for over a century—before Trump and after him.”
If the word jihad sounds scary to you because you're ignorant (read the Quran), here's the same sentiment coming from an Italian human rights lawyer and UN special rapporteur, Francesca Albanese,
I know that this is going to generate panic across the world because it bears huge consequences. We live in a world where the United States are ingrained in our politics, in our lifestyle, in everything we do in our economies. So these influences are hugely felt. And no one alone will be able to stand against the United States. But this will be the default option… it will either be subservience, a world made of vassals who abide by this lawlessness, this lawlessness and nonsense that is being propagated. And the other will be to take a principled stance and say enough, enough. So, start disengaging.
Disengaging alone is, of course, toothless. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the brave men of the actual Resistance, engaging imperial tanks at point-blank range. Trump is, in fact, now openly acknowledging what the Resistance has been saying for decades, making it obvious to people that would rather persist in American integration. That America is, in fact, the head of the snake and that 'Israel' is an artificial entity, more frail than a spider's web. As Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been saying and resaid in 2024, “The insistence of the US and its allies on ensuring the safety of the usurping regime serves as a cover for their lethal policy of changing the [Zionist] regime into a tool for seizing all the resources of this region and using it [that regime] in major global conflicts.” Now Trump has blown their cover. He just comes out and says it.
The fact is that America hid behind 'Israel' for a reason, just as they hide/hid behind Ukraine, Narco Afghanistan, South Vietnam, etc. As long as they prop up a plausible puppet, America doesn't have to show their hand. They can say aw shucks, we're just helping out this poor 'country' because Democracy™, Freedom©, and Human Rights®, not just stealing resources and land. But then Trump just comes out and says it. He said, “we'll own it.” And so they do, not the land, but the failure, condemnation, and disgust. People might cheer or fear from the stands but this misses the point. Trump has given the whole game away. As the late, great Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in 2017,
We should thank Trump for revealing yet again the true face of the U.S. administration—a racist, criminal, murderous, bloodthirsty entity that confiscates freedoms, plunders wealth, conspires against oppressed peoples.
This echoes what other martyrs have said long ago (oh Allah, there's a chorus), like George Habash (of the communist PLFP) in 1979. He said, “Our real enemy is not 'Israel' and Zionism only. It is American Imperialism, who is backing 'Israel' because 'Israel' is playing a bodyguard for American imperialist interests.” At that point, the information war was as Silvio Dante said, channeling Michael Corleone, “Our true enemy has yet to reveal himself.” But now he has. Needless to say, this is not a good look. It is, in fact, an irretrievable loss. Proxies are there for a reason, to protect the boss. But now the final boss is exposed, and like every video game ever, this is the beginning of the end, not the end of resistance.
This is the value of Trump. With professional politicians like Biden you have to waste hours denying their lies but Trump just comes out and says it. Like Hitler was the last honest European, Trump is the last honest American. He's honestly evil. This does us all a favor, especially bloggers. What this means geopolitically is admitting what Nasrallah said shortly after October 7th, that 'Israel' was defeated then, that the non-entity was non-functional. As Nasrallah said shortly after the operation,
This operation has lifted the lid and uncovered many facts. However, speaking of the glorious repercussions and effects of this glorious operation requires hours, if not days. What's more important is that it has exposed the frailty, weakness and total fragility of Israel. More frail than a spider's web. I have read some reports on the Israeli media that the Israelis themselves have come now to believe, more than even myself, the Israelis have come to believe that Israel is more frail than a “spider's web. This fact was established and cemented by Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.
The United States administration represented by their president, ministers, state secretaries and even top brass, support this shaking entity in order to catch its breath, get back on its feet again, and to restore some action and to take the initiative which they had until now — and they had to call out for protection and support. The swift response by the United States to support and back Israel has proven how Israel is failing. From the very first days of Operation al-Aqsa Flood, against a totally besieged Gaza Strip, the Israeli government was in a dire need for the US fleets to navigate to the Mediterranean for military and psychological support. Where is your fleet? Where are your warplanes? Where is the invincible army of Israel, the mightiest in the region? Where is all that?”
The United States hurriedly despatched aircraft carriers and other pieces of their naval fleet. The US top brass, generals, military experts went running to the area to open the strategic weapon depots for the Israelis. From the very first days, Israel demanded new weapons, new missiles from the United States. From the first day, Israel demanded ten billion dollars. Is it a strong state, an invincible army, as claimed? A state the requires this amount of US and Western support? Heads of state, heads of government, top brass generals flocking from all over the world to provide moral support. This is what Al-Aqsa Flood has caused, this frail entity. These are some of the profound impacts of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. All these must be evaluated and analysed in detail, which we don't have time to do here. Yet, we must understand that all of the sacrifices in Gaza, the West Bank, and all fronts are really worthy.
This is indeed true if you look at the numbers. 'Israel' was in the ICU as much as the ICC, they've been on constant death support since October 7th. Britain flew 47% of reconnaissance flights over Gaza, America flew 33%, and Germany—never one to miss a genocide—contributed weapons and idiocy. Even then, all the White Empire's horses and all the White Empire's men couldn't put Humpty together again. 15 months later, Hamas is not only undefeated, they have rapidly reconstituted governance in Gaza and, as outgoing war criminal Antony Blinken said, “Hamas has recruited almost as many new militants as it has lost.” Netanyahu is still talking about eliminating Hamas because they haven't done it. They keep having to go back to the imperial bank, and now the bank is foreclosing. But on land it does not own and cannot control either. It's just a killing joke.
This is being spun as 'Israel' getting more support from America, but this is too much support, Trump is talking about ownership now. And ownership of what, and how? America hasn't been able to effectively occupy anybody since Korea. America couldn't even maintain a $320 million pier in Gaza without it floating away. Its bankrupt proxy 'Israel' couldn't secure a single block of land without getting blown up the next day. These are cowards hiding behind computer screens who consistently lose against men in the field and just move on to the next money laundering war. 'Israel' is already lost, it's directly America now, and ask everyone from South Vietnam to Narco Afghanistan how that goes. As Nasrallah said in 2024,
Surely, this Zionist and American dream is a vain, unattainable delusion. The [Zionist] regime is like "an evil tree, uprooted from the ground," which according to God's true words, "lacks any stability" (Quran 14:26).
This malicious regime is rootless, fallacious, and unstable, and it has only managed to stand on its feet with difficulty with US support. And God willing, this too will not last for long. The clear reason for this statement is that for a year now, despite spending several billion dollars in Gaza and Lebanon, and despite the comprehensive support given by the United States and several other Western governments, the enemy has failed in its confrontation with several thousand fighters and mujahid on the path of God, who are besieged and blocked from receiving any assistance from the outside. The only thing it [the Zionist regime] has been able to do is to bomb homes, schools, hospitals, and centers with a dense unarmed population.
Remember, also, that Nasrallah was saying the same thing for decades, since his predecessor at Hezbollah was martyred. Nasrallah came in with rebellion on his lips and that's how he went out, with honor. Now he leads from the ranks of martyr commanders like Al-Qassam, Sheikh Yassin, Yahya Sinwar forever. Jews of all people should know that killing local resistance just makes them more powerful. As the Quran says, “Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some are still waiting, and they have not changed in the least.” Thus as Nasrallah said in 2017,
Neither Trump nor his father, nor his grandfather, nor George Bush, nor his father, nor his grandfather, nor any of these racists can touch the courage, will, conviction, or faith of even a child among us, let alone our men and elders. Therefore, we are not worried; rather, we are very optimistic, because when an idiot resides in the White House and openly flaunts his foolishness, it marks the beginning of relief for the oppressed around the world.
So take heart you who have sacrificed nothing, from those who have sacrificed all. The Palestinian cause is just, American weapons are rust, and 'Israel' is dust. Trump is foreclosing on 'Israel' and the Resistance is facing the final boss of colonialism. Now our true enemy has revealed themselves and as Ho Chi Minh said about a victory he saw but would never live to see,
The war of resistance against US aggression may drag on. Our people may have to face new sacrifices of life and property. Whatever happens, we must keep firm our resolve to fight the US aggressors till total victory.
Our mountains will always be,
our rivers will always be,
our people will always be ;
The American invaders defeated,
we will rebuild our land ten times more beautiful.
For further reading, I invite you to read Reading Resistance, a collection of the statements and speeches I'm referencing above.