No One Is Running America Now

In Sri Lanka, a new President is elected and they immediately take office. America drags this process out for 11 weeks, because their Constitution is badly coded and has mountains of technical debt.
Joe Biden's government was actually decapitated on July 20th but Donald Trump won't be recapitated until January 20th, leaving a nearly six month interregnum. The king is dead and no king yet lives. The DEI heir failed but the hair apparent cannot yet succeed. Because of this glitch in the matrix, Joe Biden is still President, despite having mentally abdicated long ago. America's government is both a headless chicken and a lame duck, a metaphorical mess.
So who's actually running America? Who the fuck knows. Some shadowy cabal of political consultants and the even darker money behind them. Who's commander in chief? Who gives a shit? A Raytheon board member is Defence Secretary, the military industrial complex has completely corrupted civilian governance. This has been America's state of affairs for at least three months, though it seems to have been Weekend At Bernie's for years, walking Biden's propped up corpse around, signing documents and sniffing hair.
This is moment is like the end of World War I when Woodrow Wilson got 'Spanish' Flu, broke his brain, and ghosted on the negotiations, possibly causing World War II in the process. In this case, Biden got COVID again, his team issued a resignation from the race while he was in bed, and who gives a shit, World War III has already started (if you count Slavic people and colored Holocausts).

Wars used to require approval from Congress, then the imperial Presidency took over, and now the military industrial complex just does it on autopilot. Given that military contractors include Boeing, you can guess how this ends. When Eisenhower said, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex,” this wasn't a warning. It was a description. Eisenhower said, “Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together,” which is laughable, knowing modern Americans.
As Ansarallah's Nasruddin said, laughing at Eisenhower's rusting reincarnation,
I'll refer him to the news that came out yesterday from the captain of the Eisenhower aircraft carrier. He spoke of not being able to change his pajamas sometimes for an entire day because he was under military pressure from the Yemeni Armed Forces. I mean, if the President changes, will Eisenhower's captain be able to change his pajamas? Will he [the President] help him with that? [host laughs] The issue is not related to administration, but rather that the world has changed in terms of balance of power an in terms of the use of weapons.
The world has indeed changed and no one is waiting for America to deliver values it never had in stock. As sex culty philosopher Osho said, I think about America, “Democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people. But the people are retarded.” Osho is not that wise and American government has always been for, of, and by property, only propertied men could vote and their whole modern electoral system is just a hack around a Constitution that doesn't have direct election of Presidents at all. The #2 electoral vote getter (not real votes, but a parallel Congress) is supposed to Vice President, so the founders actually intended Trump/Harris to be running America next year.
As I've said, the US Constitution is coded to weaken government so the rich can get away with slavery and murder, as they're still doing. It is, as Vladimir Putin said, a vampire's ball. As Vlad the Explainer said, “They are used to, for centuries, to stuffing their belly with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they need to understand that the vampire's ball is coming to an end.”
Especially if you don't like Putin (there is no greater teacher than the enemy), Putin is a keen observer of America. In 2017, Putin said “I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well-dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.”
America has had the same enemies list since the 1960s and they're methodically not going through it. They're still fighting Korea, still fighting Iran, fighting the Russians again. An American President can pick their battles, but not the wars. American Presidents are given the same bloody menu when they enter office and they just order different airstrikes à la carte. Like their cinema, everything in American politics is a reboot. Their Presidents have been a series of bad Reagan impersonators since 1980: nerd Reagan, Reagan with a saxophone, dumb Reagan, black Reagan, Make America Reagan Again, Reagan's embalmed corpse, Make America Reagan Again, Again. Everything is a reboot, from their cinema to their politics.
America public life is increasingly just a reality TV show controlled by invisible producers, funded by giant corporations who profit no matter what. It does not matter who's President. No 'one' is President now.