Jewish Extremism Is Out Of Control And We Need To Talk About It

The Star of David carved into the ruins of Gaza

Jewish extremism is mainstream now. They're killing people every day and they'll disappear you if you talk about it. Western politicians are openly in their pay and the western media is in on it. The once fringe belief of Zionism has taken over a majority of the global Jewish population, such that 'Israel' exists and 60% of America Jews think its genocidal response to October 7th is acceptable. This minority has corrupted (and been corrupted by) the already corrupt western elites in a vicious cycle of total corruption.

And it is a cycle, of which Jews and Palestine are just the fulcrum. For every Rothschild receiving stolen land from the British, there is a Balfour signing it over. For every Mileikowsky killing Palestinians, there is a Drumpf making a killing. For all the preponderance of Jews in finance, media, and politics, there is ordinary whiteness (and those becoming white, leaving boot heels on their brethren). I don't mean to ignore the Christian Zionists and capitalists and cowards in on it, but we have to talk about ‘it’. The center of White Empire is Palestine, where the Jews were deported to as a conscript colony, anointed in crude oil to become their worst selves and do the dirty work for the British and then the Americans (same thing, hence the term White Empire). Thus Jews find themselves at the collapsing center of Western Civilization, just in time to take the fall for it.

I won't belabor the point of ‘not all Jews’ because please, we've been talking about extremism in the Muslim community for decades without such qualifications. Indonesians and Sikhs have been catching strays for the minority Arabs for years, Jews can take their lumps along with everybody else. Neither I nor anyone born this side of last century cares about the Holocaust© as some unique thing since Jews began copying it endlessly. After nearly two years of genocide being live-strafed into my eyeballs, I'm done holding my tongue, as much as they try to make it illegal. Now it's time to talk about extremism in the Jewish community, which is killing people and chilling speech more and more heavy-handedly. Since I'm chilling in Sri Lanka and have given up hope of inter-imperial travel, let's actually speak about it.

Jews occupying the Middle East are killing babies and torturing, starving, and bombing people to death across multiple nations. Jews are openly and proudly corrupting the (already corrupt) western world; censoring media, buying politicians, and using state violence to shut down speech and beat and disappear people. They've been doing this for decades, only now—thanks to the bravery of Hamas et al—they must do it openly. Now every stereotype of Jews has been put on blast by Jewish people themselves, claiming a Jewish state, all in the Jewish name. It's not blood libel if it's true, and Jewish people are dripping with blood, and grinning from ear to ear in women's underwear. It's not a conspiracy theory if it's public, and Jews have openly corrupted politicians, media, and institutions, and rub everybody's noses in it.

Generations ago, Zionist Jews made a deal with the white devils, live up to every antisemitic lie we told about your community, and we'll give you the land of 'Israel'. The devil tempted people once with the tree of knowledge, but this time it's the tree of ignorance. Many Torah scholars were long against the ungodly creation of a state of Israel, man cannot give it to you, only the Messiah. Many Jews then and still now decry ersatz 'Israel' as an abomination (assuming kingship from the devils that genocided you, at the price of your own soul) but yet the demonic nation persists. Like all deals with the devil, things go great, until they decline precipitously.

Yet to an outside (of Europe) observer, what are people supposed to make of this? Who gives a shit? We all understand dead babies, and we've been seeing that endlessly. Surprisingly, the people most affected and aggrieved are actually the most understanding. Hezbollah and Hamas are the least antisemitic, because they see the true hand of more inchoate American Empire behind all this. As the late, great Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (we miss you) said, “According to some theories, Israel controls America. No sir. It is America that controls Israel. The story about the Jewish and Zionist lobby is – forgive me for saying this – a joke invented by the Arabs so that they do not have to fight Israel.” Or as the Hamas Charter says, “Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.”

What are ordinary (non-European) people exposed to Jews doing everything Europeans slandered them with support supposed to think? We've all seen tanks carve stars of David into the devastated land of Gaza, menorahs stuck in the ruined earth, and Jews praying over their predation. As Hamas said, “It is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.” Are we not supposed to see this? Are we not supposed to name them? Is that not part of their oppression? As Mohammed El-Kurd said, “Jewish settlers stole my house. It’s not my fault they’re Jewish.”

Of course, a religion claiming earthly land and Satanic power is deeply ironic. The fact is that the least Jewish Jews are ruining the whole thing for everybody. Religious Jews within 'Israel' were, until recently, immune from conscription and still avoid it. Orthodox (re: Torah) Jews in America are among 'Israel's' most conscientious rejecters. It is largely a group of Jews who may not believe in G-d, but certainly believe that he promised 'Israel' to them. And so the carnivorous cosmopolitan caste of godless Jews take the whole Jewish community down with them, a sad amount of them quite willingly, or at least quiet about it. We don't talk about this because the Holocaust or something, but that statute of limitations has run out. I guess you get a certain credit limit for killing people, but then you have to pay for it.

If a few Muslims fly into two buildings we have to talk about extremism in the Muslim community for twenty years, but if extremist Jews destroy every building for miles, we have to keep quiet or we're the bad people? Saying that Jews kill children and corrupt nations is antisemitic, so you can't say it, even as they're doing it. It's a circular illogic. Not all Jews, sure, whatever—some are even with the Resistance—but an awful lot of them are behaving awfully and we don't owe them any deference. That belongs to the victims. I'm sorry about Hitler but he's not like the Antichrist that died so you can sin forever. Hitler killed a lot of people but you can't monopolize that to commit your own genocide for much longer. Genocide is not a die in one get one free deal, I don't see the Romani going apeshit over Rome. Something is deeply fucked up in the Jewish community and not talking about it is part of the fuckedupedness.

It's considered an antisemitic trope to say that Jews control the media, but they are controlling the media. They get documentaries dumped they don't like and run headlines about decapitated babies and rapes that didn't happen. It's similarly antisemitic to say Jews corrupt nations, but they are corrupting nations. AIPAC is openly bribing politicians, German cops are beating up protestors, and American Presidents are saying SHALOM while shredding their own Constitution. You can somehow criticize America in America but not 'Israel'. It certainly looks like Jews are running things. Western politicians openly declare how much bribes they get, pose with 'Israeli' flags, then go out and sell their dignity in public. The checks clear in the clear, secure in the slur of antisemitism and the silencing of even naming the people cosigning this.

Jews, Jews, Jews, this was a protected word for my whole life, but now that I've seen enough unprotected babies be killed by Jews, I'll say it. I can't not say it, the word has been crammed down my throat so much that it comes up unbidden and acidic. Why should that name be sacred when it's the cause of so much human sacrifice? Why should the Jews go unmentioned when so many martyrs go unburied? Judaism the religion will persist, inshallah, but the abomination of an Israel before its time must be excised like a cyst for this cycle of corruption to finally break. I wake up every morning cursing 'Israel' and wishing for its ending. So many prayers cannot go unanswered, so much injustice cannot go unjusticed.

Ansar Allah has as part of its slogan ‘curse be upon the Jews’ and this is true if you think about it. Too many Jews took what was not theirs from White Empire, and take the whole thing down around them in the dénouement of every devil's bargain. You can excuse them but you can't excuse them. The Jewish name is cursed now, by 'Israel,' by Zionists, by Americans, by Whiteness, and yes, by Jewishness. Jews today just have to live with that, G-d knows enough people are dying. Jewish extremism is out of control and we don't need to just talk about. We need to end it.