The Disrespectful Americans

The Communist Party of China is called the CPC but America insists on calling them the CCP. It's petty and downright disrespectful. The Ansar Allah movement in Yemen is called Ansar Allah, but ze Americans insist on calling them the Houthis. This is all like meeting someone named Sikhander and insisting on calling him Steve all night. You're just being a dick, and embarrassing yourself. Americans are rude, intrude, and are in for a rude awakening. The rectification of names is coming.
As much as America tries to tease China and Yemen about their names, this isn't grade school. China and Yemen are grown up now, and they both have superior and more plentiful firepower. America's ships are publicly prolapsing and they have to fire million dollar missiles against $5,000 drones to just stay afloat. Yemen defeated the US Navy in the Red Sea, historically speaking, they're done. Yemen isn't even industrialized, America has no chance against the industrial capital of the world in China.
America still struts around like a schoolyard bully, but it's 30 years later and everyone has grown up. The nerds they used to push into lockers have got rich and the Muslims they teased have got hypersonic missiles. In the past decade, America lost to Afghanistan, Yemen, and now they want to take on Russia and China. It's preposterous posturing. Teddy Roosevelt said, “speak softly and carry a big stick” but his moron heirs are doing the opposite. They're screaming bloody murder and slaughtering women and children, but are hopeless against men in the field.
America's mouth is writing checks its ass can't cash. America's currency is sanctioned into a corner (by them!), their industry has been exported to other countries (by them!), and their weapons are only good for civilians (peace be upon them). Meanwhile Russia has natural resources to back their currency, China has both resources and massive industry, and Yemen has superior weapons, in both quality and quantity (and quantity is its own quality). America, through sheer cussedness, has thrown all of Asia into an alliance against them. The one rule of land war in Asia is don't start a land war in Asia, and America has started three of them. They're hopelessly over-extended, and they've thrown their enemies together out of sheer diplomatic dementia. You're supposed to divide and conquer your enemies, not unite them. As the great sage of Newark said, “it's on page four of the boss manual.”
The bully has not, in fact, done well after high school. As the state poet of New Jersey said, “time slips away and leaves you with nothing, mister, But boring stories of Glory days.” Or as the moron of Manhattan said, “Make America Great Again.” And as Tony Soprano said, presciently, ‘I got a feeling I came in at the end.’ Tony Soprano was a bully but he understood diplomacy, at least as a tactic. He said, “those that want respect, give respect.” Which is correct. This is basic human courtesy, not even high diplomacy. Even if you hate someone, don't show it. Never play your hand is the first ruling of the great game. It's not just that America disrespect is disrespectful, it's self-destructive.
Getting someone's name wrong is frankly deranged diplomacy. Why would you piss someone off every time you talked to them? It's the opposite of strategic. As the Godfather said, “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” He also said, “never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking.” But everyone always knows what Americans are thinking. The Americans are thinking “fuck the world” and the world knows it. They can't even get our names right. A bunch of disrespectful cretins.
Thus, the person that pays for America's disrespect is ultimately America. Normal countries try to get along, because they're trying to get along. However, America's been used to being a superpower for so long that they've become supercilious. And their arrogance always, always blows up in their face. The last 80 years has just been different invasions blowing up in America's face. None of this had to happen if they had even a dim concept of diplomacy. But they don't, the entire history of American diplomacy is built on them violating every treaty with the Native Americans, and still violating them. Americans have no native concept of diplomacy. It's literally a foreign concept.
The rest of the world, however, actually does practice diplomacy, out of self-interest. The point of diplomacy is to secure your best interest without war, whereas American policy is to wage war despite their best interests. America is, as the survey said, “a dying empire led by bad people.” In normal countries, “the focus remains on cooperation, mutual benefit, and responding to the unique dynamics of each country,” as Dr. S. Jaishankar of India said. Every country in the world attempts this level of basic diplomacy, or at least pretends. But America goes around making fun of people's names, like this is third grade. The ultimate loser is them. They look like fucking losers, and they're visibly losing.
It's not just the paucity of sticks America has to offer, it's an absolute poverty of carrots. America has nothing to offer anybody but weapons. China builds infrastructure and America bombs it. Who do they think everyone will want to be friends with? As Akende M'memb said, “The Vice President of the US came to Zambia, landed at a Chinese-built airport in Zambia, moved on a Chinese-built road in Zambia. The venue of this summit was actually a gift to Zambia by the Chinese government. And the key agenda of the summit, was to curb Africa's cooperation with China, in a gift to the African continent.” It beggars belief. Kamala Harris literally sat inside a Chinese building, saying don't build with China, while committing a genocide, and while American cities like San Francisco look positively apocalyptic. The Americans think they're hot shit but their own roads and bridges are falling apart. They're just shit. America today can't build anything, least of all a reputation. Only bluster and bullying is left. And people, increasingly, just aren't buying it.
It's a brave new world, and the chinks [sic] and sand niggers [sic] aren't taking their shit, and the Rooskies ain't either. Across the world, the natives are restless and rebellions are spreading. China does not give a shit about America's shenanigans, they are living the meme, “do nothing. win.” Or as Napoleon said, ‘when your opponent is fucking themselves, don't interrupt.’ Russia, also, does not give a shit about NATO. They know NATO is just a band of bitches, running dogs like Estonia and Finland, all bark and no teeth. And the brave people of Yemen do not give a flying fuck about America. They've defeated them in the Red Sea. The question is not how does America end. It's death by a thousand cuts, most of them self-harm. The only question is when.
So the final incarnation of White Empire goes not by regicide—though it's justified—but through suicide most reckless. And the rest of the world will say good riddance. Nobody's going to miss American hegemony, those motherfuckers wore their shoes in the house (on the furniture!), had bad hygiene (don't wash their butts), and called people nonsensicle names, like 'minorities'. We're the global majority, it's the CPC, it's Ansar Allah, and it's Palestine, not 'Israel'. Americans can't even get names right. They're downright disrespectful and it leads, inshallah directly to their downfall.