The Collapse Of World War II Propaganda In World War III
The victors write the history, and as America loses World War III (already begun if you include Muslims and Slavs), World War II history is being rewritten. The two pillars of Hollywood historiography were that A) America won the war, not the USSR and B) that the Jews were its primary victims. This history was used to ignore Russia and create 'Israel,' but it's turned into half-assed histrionics now.
Both historical lies are being belied by facts on the ground. Russia is asserting its security concerns, and the Axis of Resistance is slowly but surely excising the abomination. Meanwhile America is backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine and committing genocide in Palestine, undoing decades of propaganda. So the present rewrites the past and the future moves on.
A) Who won the war?
The first pillar of America's relentless pillorying of the world was the idea that they won World War II. The actual American position was articulated by then Senator Harry Truman who said (in 1941), “If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible.” This broad strategy was reiterated by Lionel Ismay (first Secretary General of) who said NATO was created to, “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” This has been the America's (in)security framework from the beginning, but the history underpinning it was always a fraud.
The USA did not win World War II, the USSR did. America just swooped in for the spoils. As the American World War II Museum itself states, “For most of the war, 75–80 percent of the Wehrmacht had to be deployed in the East, a preponderance dictated by the sheer size of the front, and 80 percent of German war dead perished there: about four million of the five million German soldiers killed in World War II.” These facts have been buried under films about saving privates, but they were written in blood and well known at the time. Historical polling in France, for example, correctly attributed victory to the USSR, until this was propagandized out of them.

When faced with the numerical facts, the cope is that the Soviets were dumb brutes who only did it with western technology (ie, Lend Lease). But this fact is beggared by the numbers also. As Soviet Marshall Georgy Zhukov said in his memoirs, “As for the armaments, what I would like to say that we received under Lend-Lease from the United States and Britain about 18,000 aircraft and over 11,000 tanks. That comprised a mere 4 per cent of the total amount of armaments that the Soviet people produced to equip its army during the war. Consequently, there is no ground for talk about the decisive role of the deliveries under Lend-Lease. As for the tanks and aircraft supplied to us by the British and US governments, they, to be frank, did not display high fighting qualities; especially tanks which, running on petrol, would burn like torches.”
The Soviets did not merely beat the Germans back in mindless meat waves, they beat them back with waves of steel, grain, and the superior productive capacity of communism. The Soviets fought many battles with unimaginable heroism, all well known at the time. All America had was landing on a beach and battling a bulge, but what they lacked in reality they made up for with sheer repetition. After World War II, America deployed endless mind waves of propaganda against, primarily, upon its own occupied populations. When the USSR fell, there was no one to counter it, so the counterfeit stuck. So not so much the victors of World War II but the spoilers took credit.
Americans still make little distinction between the USSR and Russia, with even Ralph Nader calling Russia a “communist dictatorship” in 2025. Russophobia is deeply coded in the western brain—from Boris and Natasha to GoldenEye 007. This makes them largely incapable of understanding Russia as it is, because they believe their own propaganda about Russia as it is not. To Americans it's incomprehensible that any country might have their own security interests, and certainly not Russia, as historical leftovers, easily beaten by lone agents in countless movies. So America kept pushing NATO eastward, ignoring all historical lessons from Napoleon to Hitler. America couped Ukraine in 2014, helped bomb Russian-speaking regions for a decade, and ignored agreements like the Minsk Accords. When Russia finally had enough, they invaded Ukraine in what they called a Special Military Operation. This was also a special historical operation in that it rewrote it, going back to WWII.
The whole premise of American superpower was that America had won World War II and the USSR only survived with American support. But now America's full support was behind Ukraine, and they were losing. Thus the current fraud revealed the historical one. Remember that history is a theory—this happened because that—but now the theory stands disproven. Russian military strategy, production, and execution have been proven far superior to America's, again. As it is is as it were. Thus the present rewrites the past. Losing the Ukraine War literally loses the plot for America, and the Ukraine War is lost.
B) The special Jews
Despite the Soviets liberating Auschwitz and most concentration camps, the Americans (and somehow the Germans) have taken credit for that also. Jews have been made into the primary victims of World War II, through tonnes of post-war propaganda (America gave a fuck about the Jews at the time and pushed boats back into the slaughterhouses). If you look at the actual history, however, the Jews were not the Nazi's primary target at all. As Martin Niemoller said, first they came for the communists. As the whole poem goes,
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a communists.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Historically, even this poem has been edited to replace die Kommunisten with the more anodyne ‘socialists’ and the meaning has been rearranged to make Jews Hitler's primary target, which they weren't. In Mein Kampf, Hitler said,
Knowledge of the Jews is the only key whereby one may understand the inner nature and therefore the reals aims of Social Democracy [he uses this interchangeably with Marxism and Communism]. The man who has come to know this race has succeeded in removing from his eyes the veil through which he had seen the aims and meaning of his Party in a false light; and then, out of the murk and fog of social phrases rises the grimacing figure of Marxism.

Communists were Hitler's #1 enemy, and his hatred of Jews came as an extension of this battle, they were not the main course. Niemoller, Hitler himself, and Hitler's actions can tell you what his primary enemy was. Communism. The Nazis concentration camped communists first and killed far more Soviets in the end (many of them captured prisoners starved to death in POW camps). The Americans, however, couldn't very well say this, because they hated and killed commies too! America, in fact, took up Hitler's ‘white man's burden’ after the war, with plenty of Nazi help.
To cover this up, Jews were made into the perfect victims of Hitler's inexplicable evil, with lots of propaganda to back it. But real Jews were not given back their lives and property in Europe, because America was also wildly antisemitic also. Instead (and to better assimilate the Nazis), Jews were deported them from Europe to 'Israel' (ie, ‘go back to where you came from!’). Not coincidentally, this was the Nazi's penultimate solution (the Haavara Plan), now executed by the Americans.
Americans at the time associated Jews with communism, and called for keeping them out of America for that reason. As Isaiah M. Minkoff said in the 1946/47 American Jewish Year Book, “one of their major devices was the use of propaganda based on the false identification of Jews with Communism.” As Ed Gossett, dirtbag Democratic Congressman from Texas, said at the time, “Now, I have the feeling and I grant you here again, it is merely based on what people have told me—I have not been there—that there are a lot of folks in those camps who would be detrimental to us, who are hostile to America and the American way of life, and there are possibly a good many there who have subversive intentions in seeking entry into this country.”
Again, the physical fact is that European Jews were not resettled in their homes and given reparations by their actual oppressors, they were deported out of Europe to serve European (then American) interests of dividing and conquering the completely unrelated Muslim world, for the crime of sitting on top of oil they wanted to steal. Muslims are the people now incoherently called antisemitic, when that is a category of racism unique to Europeans. As David Nasaw said in his book The Last Million (which I'm quoting from), “For many of the Jewish displaced persons who immigrated to Israel, the exhilaration of leaving Germany and arriving in their new homes was followed rather quickly by disappointment, approaching desperation. They had miraculously survived one war in Europe. They were now entering another war zone.” Thus the survivors of one war were turned into a conscript army for the reincarnated White Empire, which is why you see Zionists allied with Americans doing the Nazi salute today.
This was all possibly historically because the European Jews were marketed into special victims who deserved a genocide of their own, because one had been committed upon them (a die in one, get one free deal). This led to the absurdity of land being given not by the losers of the war (Ze Germans et al) but by a completely unrelated party in Palestine. And this led to the ongoing absurdity of Germans lecturing people about genocide, turned into an absolute farce thanks to the courageous Axis of Resistance, fighting a fight that had fuck-all to do with them, but which they have nonetheless taken up.
Hamas's brave October 7th Al Aqsa Flood is the obvious historical corollary to the Warsaw Ghetto Rebellion, people breaking out of a concentration camp to defend themselves, by armed resistance as is their right under international law. This is only covered up by histrionics about ‘the worst day for Jews since World War II,’ ignoring the fact that Hamas only took prisoners to free the 100x 'Israel' holds, and that 'Israel' killed many of their own in terror and cowardice. The historical hinge that held the war crime of 'Israel' together is now broken and the doors are slowly but surely coming off. The present overwrites western history, which is now collapsing under its own contradictions (genocide bad! except when we do it!).
Unexplaining this history is now unnecessary for entire generation. People growing up now only remember 'Israel' being awful and none of the jumped-up justification for it. As I said in a rare viral tweet, “For generations to come, comparing 'Israel' to Nazis will be unnecessary. Future atrocities will be compared to 'Israelis'” The program of endless Jewish holocaust remembrance along with forgettence of all the other Nazi victims rings hollow now that we are seeing a livestreamed genocide in front of us. Thus the present rewrites the past, and changes the future.
Re-presenting The Past
Thus the battles of World War III (we're already seeing a genocide and war against Russia, what else do you call it) are changing the victors of World War II. American arms are being revealed as wholly inadequate against even the reincarnation of the Red Army, even after being decimated by the neoliberalism of the 1990s. And American words are being revealed as lies, and Jews not as perfect victims but people just as capable of evil as any other, especially when serving as foot soldiers for the White Empire. In the running battles of World War III, American World War II propaganda is falling apart.
References (available on Anna's Archive, or wherever good books are pirated):
- Hitler's Mein Kampf (unreadable but skimmable)
- Andrei Martyanov's Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning
- David Nasaw's The Last Million
- Georgy Zhukov's Reminiscences and Reflections - Vol. 2
Further reading from me: