Nationalism Vs. Internationalism

What I tell Americans about Trump is that at least he fucks up your country. The Democrats fuck up ours. This is but a difference in degree—Trump assassinated General Soleimani and Biden deported more than Trump—but it is a difference nonetheless. Trump is a nationalist while Biden was internationalist. They're both National Capitalists (Nacis) but at different ranges. Trump trying to conquer the Americas, and Biden Asia.
If you look at a map, Biden was focused on Ukraine, Palestine, and belatedly Taiwan. Biden's focus was closing the encirclement of Asia started in World War II. Trump, on the other hand, is focused on Canada, Greenland, and the ‘Gulf of America,’ in what's called the ‘Donroe Doctrine’. These men are both evil bastards, but it's the difference between beating your wife and beating the neighbor's wife.
It's like the difference between European imperialists during WWII. Britain and France invaded and genocided countries across the Global South (which doesn't count) while Germany expanded across Europe itself (which was unforgivable). In the same way, Trump is talking about a land empire, not distant places he can't pronounce.
Trump's focus is nationalist, meaning maintaining the white genocide of America (by deporting colored people who dare walk across the continent, as they did for thousands of years before America, and as they must do more because of America). Within that narrow conception of White Empire, he also foresees formally expanding into the useless cuck state of Canada and taking Greenland from even more useless (and also abusive) Denmark. America, of course, already has all the bases and debasing behavior it needs from both non-nations, but might as well make it official. All of the countries in the core White Empire (Britain, the EU, Japan, South Korea) are non-nations, there to whip other nations or be whipping boys for America, as needed. As America goes red giant, who cares if such non-nations get devoured in a last gasp of nationalism?
Biden, on the other hand, was an internationalist, meaning accelerating the anti-Muslim genocide of the Middle East started under the Bush regimes and anti-Russian crusading of last century. He was an old man with an old plan, barely remembered as corrupt apparatchiks wheeled him around to sign blank cheques to the military contractors that actually paid them. Biden, of course, never had a plan for ending wars, his handlers just had quarterly plans to profit from war, which went swimmingly (in blood). Under Biden, the military industrial complex dumped huge amounts of expiring ammunition and discontinued weapons systems on suckers in Ukraine and innocents in Gaza. They were able to get hugely inflated prices for old junk and secure new orders from the greatest fools in Europe, who think NATO is protection and not a protection racket. Biden, as a career politician in America representing the credit card district was, in fact, a career criminal and acquiring the Presidency was just the end of a long con. So he went out an old crooked internationalist, issuing preemptive pardons all around.
I digress because I hate Biden so much. To paraphrase the original senile emperor, Ronald Reagan, ‘The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the [US] government, and I'm here to help.'’ When Americans come to your country talking about democracy and human rights, run. This is just the branding they use to bomb and loot countries, and they seem to have fired the marketing department. Biden read the usual words off a teleprompter (complete with stage prompts), but his handlers didn't even try to hide the contradictory actions. In Ukraine, the Americans completely suspended elections, banned opposition parties, and just press-ganged people off the street to lubricate their useless weaponry with blood. In Palestine, they staged a livestreamed genocide of trapped civilians for 15 months, bombing hospitals and committing luxury terrorism across the region. Biden was a rank internationalist, meaning a Naci gone wild abroad.
In this sense, Trump is a relief because, as I say to Americans, he's at least focused on fucking your country up. Not that he isn't also ‘bought’ by the ‘Israel’ lobby (really a money-laundry scheme to enrich the usual suspects, including rich Jews, while blaming the Jews as a race, the classic European ruse). Also not that he isn't also paid by the military industrial complex, and constrained by the same ‘men in suits’ that Putin said changed every well-meaning President to a corrupt, parroting rube. But it is that Trump is more focused on classical American imperialism across the Americas, with a traditional poke at Europeans and Chinamen. This is all classic US ‘Manifest Destiny’ unlike Joe Biden manifesting American power everywhere, a distinctly post WWII delusion.
Biden was focused on World War 3 whereas Trump is me, me, me. This is the vital difference between both visibly dying monarchs, representing a visibly dying White Empire, though not dying fast enough, unfortunately. Biden loved bombing the other side of the world while Trump is more focused on deporting the gardener. Trump is a pure nationalist, focused on his (stolen) borders while Biden was a pure internationalist, focused on wrecking more distant countries. For most of the world, objectively, Trump is better (note the ceasefire in Gaza and freeze-out of Ukraine), but don't get it twisted. They're all Nacis to me.