'Israel' Has Already Lost

The belly of the beast, unloading the genocidal bombs

'Israel' has lost military control of Palestine and are completely dependent on America now. They would crumple in a day without American support and thus have no independent existence at all. The non-entity is a non-entity. Not really worth talking about anymore. The Axis of Resistance has already defeated 'Israel' and is now fighting America, the final boss of imperialism.

The late, great Sayyed Nasrallah called it right after the Al Aqsa Flood. He said the rebellion of October 7th “exposed the frailty, weakness and total fragility of Israel. More frail than a spider's web.” As Nasrallah continued,

The swift response by the United States to support and back Israel has proven how Israel is failing. From the very first days of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, against a totally besieged Gaza Strip, the Israeli government was in a dire need for the US fleets to navigate to the Mediterranean for military and psychological support. Where is your fleet? Where are your warplanes? Where is the invincible army of Israel, the mightiest in the region? Where is all that?

From the first day, Israel demanded ten billion dollars. Is it a strong state, an invincible army, as claimed? A state the requires this amount of US and Western support?

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the same thing in his eulogy for Nasrallah, nearly a year later,

Surely, this Zionist and American dream is a vain, unattainable delusion. The [Zionist] regime is like "an evil tree, uprooted from the ground," which according to God's true words, "lacks any stability" (Quran 14:26).

This malicious regime is rootless, fallacious, and unstable, and it has only managed to stand on its feet with difficulty with US support. And God willing, this too will not last for long. The clear reason for this statement is that for a year now, despite spending several billion dollars in Gaza and Lebanon, and despite the comprehensive support given by the United States and several other Western governments, the enemy has failed in its confrontation with several thousand fighters and mujahid on the path of God, who are besieged and blocked from receiving any assistance from the outside. The only thing it [the Zionist regime] has been able to do is to bomb homes, schools, hospitals, and centers with a dense unarmed population.

Both of these Resistance leaders talk about 'Israel's' collapse as something in the future, but I argue that it has already happened. Before October 7th, 'Israel' could pretend to be a real country, capable of not just defending itself but offending everyone in the region. Now it's reduced to committing terrorist attacks and assassinations. 'Israel' can only drop American bombs from American planes and go run and hide under America's skirt.

As an 'Israeli' air force official told Haaretz, “without the Americans' supply of weapons to the Israel Defense Forces, especially the air force, Israel would have had a hard time sustaining its war for more than a few months.” Haaretz is still a Nazi rag and overly generous to the Nazis of our time. 'Israel' wouldn't survive more than a few days without America, nevermind months. But then this begs the question, has 'Israel' survived at all? If 'Israel' cannot exist without America, doesn't it exist within America, logically?

Of course many countries exist without existing within White Empire. Much of what we call geopolitics like Wales pretending like it's a country for the World Cup. Real power is held by what I call White Empire, now capitalized in America. All the countries it calls 'allies' are really just vassals (just watch them run when the banners are called). White Empire is full of not real countries—South Korea's war army is commanded by an American, Germany's pipelines are exploded by American ships—but a few countries are especially egregious examples.

Ukraine, 'Israel', and Taiwan are the unrealest countries around, pure cutouts for American interests, paraded around like a virgin before sacrifice. America does not even officially recognize its bastard spawn, America won't let Ukraine into NATO, has no treaty of alliance with 'Israel', and doesn't acknowledge Taiwan as a country at all. These poor bastards think they're treasured pets when really they're just being fattened up for the slaughter. These 'nations' are all just money laundering schemes for the American military industrial complex. All of these countries have no natural interest in provoking their neighbors. That's just America acting through them, propping them up as completely artificial entities now.

As Mao said in 1965, “Imperialism is afraid of China and of the Arabs. Israel and Formosa [Taiwan] are bases of imperialism in Asia. You are the gate of the great continent and we are the rear. They created Israel for you, and Formosa for us. Their goal is the same.” Add to that list Ukraine, couped in 2014 and now being disemboweled for American interests. Of these pure proxies, 'Israel' is the unrealest of all.

Today 'Israel' would not exist without constant airlifts of weapons, direct involvement of US and British troops, and without the US co-signing its loans. Does this sound like an independent country to you? It sounds like the puppet governments of Vietnam or Afghanistan, which were just fig leafs over naked imperial power, blown away by the historical winds soon enough. 'Israel' is truly weak as a spider's web, all illusions of its independence have been blown away in the Al Aqsa Flood.

The combined forces of the Axis of Resistance have already defeated 'Israel'. Genocide and assassinations are not military victories. Of military victories, 'Israel' has none. Hamas has defeated them militarily in Gaza (a guerilla army wins by not losing), Hezbollah has decolonized their settlers in the north, and Yemen has cut off sea access to the South. In the air, as Armchair Warlord said, “the Iranians have now demonstrated the ability to overwhelm the Israeli AD system at will and precisely strike targets, and with their missile shield ineffective the Israeli leadership is coming to terms with the fact they run a small and isolated country with a limited amount of critical infrastructure.

Our comfortable warlord is being too generous because he's still operating within the assumption that 'Israel' exists at all. There is no 'Israeli leadership', 'Israel' is only as deranged as America wants them to be, the tail does not wag the dog. America leads 'Israel' and that's who the Resistance is fighting now. The final boss. 'Israel' is already lost.