How The Middle East Is Divided And Conquered

This moron just comes out and shows how the region is divided and conquered

Previously, we spoke about how America continue Britain's policy of divide and conquer (it's all one White Empire). If you're wondering how it's divided and conquered, Benjamin Netanyahu held up maps at the UN and just showed everyone. If you want to get it in writing, here's a list from a former CENTCOM Commander. (Rtd) Gen Frank McKenzie (now a hired gun for some dubious 'Jewish' organization) says (via Kit Klarenberg),

There have been many U.S. bases in the region since the end of the second world war, but this report is principally concerned with those located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan, and Kuwait. These nations comprise the heart of the “Gulf States,” the Arab monarchies that lie along the southern side of the Arabian Gulf (the geographic exception is Jordan). The United States considers the naval base at Manama, Bahrain, to be the “Main Operating Base” for U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) in the Middle East. It is the headquarters of the U.S. Fifth Fleet, the naval component (NAVCENT) of CENTCOM. There are airbases in Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Jordan. These bases are typically “dual use” facilities, and host nation aircraft operate from the same field.
Current US bases and the retreat proposed by the guy who did the Afghanistan retreat

As you can see, Saudi, Jordan, and the Gulf States are all occupied territory, and they pay to occupy themselves. As the report proudly says, Qatar paid the vast majority of the bill for the creation of an elaborate bunkered headquarters at Al Udeid, as well as a continued series of improvements to the airfield’s facilities, which surpassed capabilities of many airfields in the United States.” And The Saudis bore the cost of some of the upgrades associated with the evaluation, because ultimately, of course, it improved Saudi capabilities.” Of course.

All of these military upgrades, however, are just hanging some bells on some eunuchs. These Arab states cannot fight anything except their own people. They're all militarily weak vassals with dubious loyalties. Iran is the only fully free and functional state in the region, and can take all of the collaborators. As McKenzie said, “Israel possesses some of the capabilities, but not the capacity for extended operations. This is an important distinction, because these operations could last for weeks. No Arab state has these capabilities.” At all.

The entire division and conquest of the Middle East is based on the fact that the corrupt Arab states will side with whoever's stronger, and America doesn't look so strong now. Their proof of concept was 'Israel', shoved up the Middle East as a constant humiliation. But that proof has been disproved by Iran's Operation True Promise, which managed to pinpoint target military infrastructure without (really) killing anyone. Not killing people is in fact much more difficult than bombing defenseless apartment buildings. Operation True Promise sent a message, as much as they tried to cover it up. Operation True Promise I was like Iran shooting a cowboy's cigarette out of his mouth, and True Promise II was like shooting his hat off for good measure. The message was clear. There's a new Sheriff in town.

America has lost naval supremacy to Yemen and now they've lost air supremacy to Iran. Its model colony, 'Israel', is a basket case which requires billions of dollars and every aircraft carrier to just prop up. This does not mean that American and 'Israel' can't inflict serious damage, but just that they're seriously damaged. McKenzie discusses assassinating the Ayatollah and destroying civilian infrastructure, and America could do this, but this would also mean mutually assured destruction for its vassals, and for American troops in the region.

As McKenzie said, hilariously, Our current bases are shared with host countries. These nations do not have the option of relocating in the event of war with Iran. Because the strategic calculus has changed, more and more countries 'host' countries are hedging their bets against the parasite, America. Immediately after Operation True Promise II, Gulf Arab states rushed to assure Iran of their neutrality and Saudi Arabia said, “We seek to close the page of differences between the two countries forever and work towards the resolution of our issues and expansion of our relations like two friendly and brotherly states.”

China has, in fact, negotiated agreements between Saudi Arabia and Iran and between Palestinian factions. The cowards of the region are still letting the genocide go on, but they will draw the line at self-interest, at some point. America and 'Israel', in their wild flailing about, are just bringing that point closer. McKenzie says, also hilariously, that, “The third component to the basing solution also involves Israel, and it is the growing normalization of ties with Arab states… Cooperation in the domain of air and missile defense is easier than ground or naval cooperation, because no forces have to be stationed abroad (or accepted into oneʼs own country). It is largely a matter of sharing tactics, techniques and procedures, and agreeing what sensor information to share, and how to share it. The United States still acts as the honest broker in this arrangement. It remains the indispensable nation.

Normalization with Arab state is now deader than well over 250,000 Palestinians and the idea of America being an 'honest broker' was always a joke. America's protection racket was based on 'Israel' as a model colony, but now everyone knows that the Iron Dome doesn't work. Why would anyone want to ‘share [the] tactics, techniques and procedures’ of a non-working system? This is like the UK training Ukrainians to fight Russia. What the fuck would they know? People only sided with America because they looked like winners, and they look like total losers now.

Thus the Middle East slowly undivides and unconquers itself the same way it got divided and conquered in the first place, out of naked self-interest and fear. Not soon enough to save enough of the brave people of Palestine and now Lebanon, but their sacrifice has shaken something loose in the region, as has the bravery of Iran and Yemen, and the decades of planning behind this rebellion. There's a new balance of the power such that the Americans are actually discussing retreat from their Gulf bases. That's what we'll discuss next time. Why America has already lost to Iran, in their own words.