Hamas Said 'Israel' Will End By 2027 And I Believe It

The disabled Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

In 1999, the founder of Hamas said, “To be precise, I say that by 2027, there will be no Israel.” This sounded crazy then, but today it's possible, even probable. 'Israel' must have laughed as they assassinated Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in his wheelchair, but, as Allah said, Let them laugh a little and weep much in return for their misdeeds.” Now Yassin-105s are blasting through 'Israeli' tanks, and the end of 'Israel' by 2027 seems realistic. I believe it.

Quranic Math

When Yassin made his prediction, he said, “This is a Quranic conclusion.” Outside of peninsular Europe, the distinction between philosophy and religion is irrelevant and I won't dwell on it here. Islam is a perfectly valid philosophical system, certainly for the Muslim world, and I deeply respect it. I invite you to read the Quran yourself.

The Quran says, “there are indeed signs for people who use their reason,” and the Quranic sign Yassin is pointing to is the idea of 40-year generations. In a beautiful passage, Allah told Their Messenger (pbuh),

We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: his mother bore him, in pain and in pain she gave birth to him, and his bearing and weaning takes thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of full maturity and attains forty years, he says, ‘O my Lord! Help me to be grateful for Your favours which You have bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and to do good deeds that will please You. Grant me righteousness in my offspring. Truly, I have turned to You and, truly, I submit to You. (The Sand Dunes 46:15)

This is why Sheikh Yassin divides history up into 40-year cycles, going by the life cycle of human generations. This is a perfectly valid assumption, and it makes for testable predictions. The Sheikh thus extends the insight to say,

The Quran tells us that the generations change every 40 years. During the first 40 years, we had the Nakba, in the second 40 years, the Intifada started, with confrontations, the fighting, and the bombs, and the third [group of] 40 years, will see [Israel’s] end, inshallah.

This is a prediction, two-thirds of which we're able to check against the past. The Nakba started in 1947 and First Intifada started exactly 40 years later in 1987. I think the Sheikh meant within a range of 40 years, but so far the predictions have been on the dot. The Sheikh said, “To be precise, I say that by 2027, there will be no Israel,” and this I think he did mean precisely. That's the prediction we're testing now, in these trying times. Will Palestine win the Battle of Al Aqsa Flood, joined in 2023?

The Prediction

It seems impossible that 'Israel' could disappear by 2027, but these things happen. How? As Hemingway said, “Two ways, gradually, then suddenly.” Palestine will be liberated the same way so many colonies were liberated. Through blood sacrifice. As Frantz Fanon said, “decolonization is always a violent event… In its bare reality, decolonization reeks of red-hot cannonballs and bloody knives.” As Hamas member Khaled Mashal said, “The Algerian people sacrificed six million martyrs over 130 years. The Palestinian people are just like any other nation. No nation is liberated without sacrifices.” I wish to God it were any other way, but this is how history is written. In blood.

While the Sheikh explained the regenerative powers of resistance, he also talked about the degenerative nature of occupation. Entities that have great power are known to lose power, though it's hard to believe at the time. When the Sheikh said, “Any entity founded on injustice and plunder is destined to be destroyed,” his interviewer questioned, “Even if it has power that allows it to survive?” The Sheikh then explained the nature of power through human nature. He said,

The power of no one in the world lasts forever. You start as a child, then you become a teenager, and a young man, and then you become an aged man, an elderly man, and then it’s over. The same is true of countries. They progress little by little until they become extinct. This cannot be helped.

But if all countries become extinct, why not Palestine? I have puzzled over this and I think it comes down to the definition of countries. In a fascinating story of the British Mandate, in A Landscape Of War, Munira Khayyat relates the story of when the British drew borders and everyone ignored them. They said,

At first the impact of the new geopolitical reality was not dramatically felt on the ground. The borderline was largely ignored by the locals, who continued dwelling in the new borderland as if there were no such thing as a border. In 1926 the Mandate powers grudgingly accommodated this situation by signing the “Agreement of Good Neighborly Relations,” which gave privileges of (controlled) movement to the inhabitants of the Palestine-Lebanon frontier, even as the Mandate powers proceeded to mark on the ground the line separating their territories and, when the occasion arose, to educate the local population about the border’s conceptual, political, and physical existence and reality.

Like all native cultures, I think these people have a different concept of countries. As the late, great Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, “we consider all borders throughout the Muslim world as fake and colonialist, and therefore doomed to disappear.” I'll let him speak a bit more because he's martyred and I miss him. He provides important context, from 1986,

From the point of view of ideology and sharia, we are required to establish God’s rule over any part of this earth, regardless of particularities and details; this can only happen, however, if the nation adopts this ideology and safeguards it. We would like to allay the fears of those who think that Hezbollah intends to impose Islamic rule by force, and to tell them that we shall not impose Islam; for us, this is a matter of general principle. We are now intent on removing colonialism from this region, doing away with colonial means of information and culture, and making the people understand Islam as it should be understood; a lot of Muslim political terminology has been distorted by colonial interpretations.

We do not believe in multiple Islamic republics; we do believe, however, in a single Islamic world governed by a central government, because we consider all borders throughout the Muslim world as fake and colonialist, and therefore doomed to disappear.

We do not believe in a nation whose borders are 10,452 square kilometers in Lebanon
; our project foresees Lebanon as part of the political map of an Islamic world in which specificities would cease to exist, but in which the rights, freedom, and dignity of minorities within it are guaranteed.

In this way, I think Sheikh Yassin didn't think of Palestine as a country at all. You can see this in practice because the people of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen fight like they're defending their 'country' (and those that shirk are ashamed and humiliated). White Empire is suppressing the Muslim World in the Muslim World, and the borders are there to divide and conquer it.

The Sheikhs and Mullahs come from a much older civilization than 'Israel,' not an immortal civilization (anything that claims existence must lose it), but one that lives on biblical time, not bureaucratic. Thousands of years instead of hundreds. These are not the first Crusaders these people have repelled, though, inshallah, these Carbon Crusaders are the last. I'm not saying that caliphates form especially stable governments. Just that Muslim consciousness is deeper and older than modern conceptions like countries. This is what they call the ummah, the community of believers. As Hamas says in its Charter, “Palestine is the spirit of the Ummah and its central cause; it is the soul of humanity and its living conscience.” Or as Mohammad Afif from Hezbollah said, “Hezbollah is not an organization, but an ummah and a nation, and nations don't die.” Much is lost in translation of the word nation, but I think you get the point.

Jews, of course, can claim a deep consciousness that goes back in literal biblical time as well. They have long-lived in the Middle East, but no Jewish state has lasted more than eight decades. Rabbis are the deep conscience of Jews, and they have thought deeply about this. As Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch said, in the late 1800s,

When, during the reign of Hadrian, the uprising led by Bar Kochba proved a disastrous error, it became essential that the Jewish people be reminded for all times of another important fact; namely, that Israel must never again attempt to restore its national independence by its own power; it was to entrust its future as a nation solely to Divine Providence.

I have chosen a Rabbi at random, you can read from hundreds of them, or speak to them on the streets of Brooklyn. One random (to me) gentleman told me to read Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum and I did. He lived through the rise of ersatz 'Israel' and said it was a violation of Jewish Law in 1958,

I also brought the words of the Talmud in Sanhedrin p. 98a, that "the Son of David will not come until the lowest government ceases from Israel," which Rashi of blessed memory explains, "that the Israelites should have no sovereignty, even the sovereignty of a weak and insignificant government." It is clearly stated that before the Messiah comes that that insignificant government will cease to exist, for it is impossible for him to come in any other manner, and it (the government's existence) is that which is preventing the redemption. 

Teitelbaum said the unoriginal sin was establishing a state before the Messiah. He said, “this entire concept of taking a government for Israel before the coming of the Messiah is one that is essentially filled with heresy and apostasy away from the ways of the Blessed Lord, because only He is the Master (Who enslaves us into Exile) and Redeemer (Who brings us back home).”

The logic in Christian Zionism, on the other hand, was to establish a Jewish state and bring on the Messiah. To force God's hand. Judgement Day would then roast all the Jews that hadn't converted to Christianity and white men would ascend to white heaven. It's a fundamentally racist, colonialist, and catastrophic ideology, and deeply antisemitic.

Christian Zionism contains two contradictions. One, that all of this murdering and torturing and stealing they're doing right before Judgment Day is not being watched by God. The second is that you need to give the Jews land to send them to hell. Christian Zionists want apocalyptic nuclear war in the Middle East, and they want Jews to die in it. That is the White Devil's bargain, and they're quite open about the terms. Jewish Zionists have made a deal with the Great Satan when the Holy Land was no man's to give, especially not murderers and thieves like the British and Americans.

These are people who play God, they do not pray to Them in submission. As Rabbi Teitelbaum said, “these evil people deny even the very foundation of faith.  First they draw people in with that “which is desirable to the eyes” (Genesis 3:6), to be “like all the nations” (I Samuel 8:20) to have a people and a government like the (non-Jewish) peoples.  Then they went even further to draw them into their apostasy that there is no judgment and no Judge, God forbid, that all is dependant upon mortal strength and weapons of war.” Preach, Rabbi, preach.

Thus within both Jewish and Muslim eschatology, you can read that 'Israel' is in some deep shit. They made a deal with the white devils and you know deals with devils go. Great for a while, and then hellish. And Native Americans could tell you how deals with Americans go, they violate every treaty and agreement, and 'Israel' doesn't even have one.

Historically, America uses countries like condoms, to fuck the world. South Vietnam, Opium Afghanistan, Ukraine, Germany—America has used all these countries and thrown them away—like prophylactic proxies. 'Israel' has confused being God's chosen people with America's chosen people, which are, in fact, opposite things.

The bad thing for Jews is that both Christian Zionists and Muslims believe that 'Israel' will end. The Christian Zionists are actually worse because they're want to kill all the Jews and accelerate Judgment Day, whereas the Muslims just want to live in peace until then.

Apocalypse Or Bust

One way or another, 'Israel' is not long for this earth. They're actually better off—as Jews historically were—under Muslim rulers rather than in an alliance with the Europeans that invented antisemitism. Of course, Hamas did start off sounding quite intolerant in 1988, saying,

The Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

That view has since evolved (I'm not questioning the Prophet, just this interpretation). Hamas's 2017 Charter now reads,

Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage.

American zealots, on the other hand, have not evolved at all. They will still happily watch 'Israel' burn just as they're making Ukraine burn just as they're trying to turn Taiwan against their own countrymen. They'll happily watch Semite on Semite violence and Slav on Slav and Chinese on Chinese. The Americans are not just white supremacists, they're human supremacists, they'll divide and conquer the whole world as long as it multiplies their earnings. Americans are historical arsonists occupying the gas station, a historically bad combination.

Keeping The Faith

In contrast to the American view (let's hurry nuclear apocalypse along!), the Resistance actually has a hopeful vision of the future. They simply want the Americans to fuck off, and for the people of the region to control their destiny without foreign malevolence. Eschewing eschatology in this quote, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei analyzes the scene in very material terms. This is him from 2024, in his eulogy for the martyr Nasrallah. The Ayatollah said,

The insistence of the US and its allies on ensuring the safety of the usurping regime serves as a cover for their lethal policy of changing the [Zionist] regime into a tool for seizing all the resources of this region and using it [that regime] in major global conflicts.

Their policy is to turn the [Zionist] regime into a gateway for exporting energy from the region to the Western world while facilitating the import of goods and technology from the West to the region.

Reading the Resistance, you can see that these are men of God, while the far less educated American preachers are just men of greed. Growing up in America, I was taught to just hate Islamic clerics, but they're actually scholars. Not all, obviously, but Khamenei and Nasrallah are god-tier philosophers. Then, of course, there are the street philosophers of the Resistance. Men that fight and die, and their epitaphs form their own philosophy. Quite literally.

Almost every martyr (I'm choosing two at random, bless them) is memorialized with the words, ‘he rose as a martyr on the road to Al-Quds.’ Haidar rose as a martyr on the road to Al-Quds. Abu Ali Amir rose as a martyr on the path of Al-Quds. They are now in the ranks near the Prophet (pbuh), but Jerusalem is where they were marching. It was their destination. The Hamas rebellion of October 7th is called the Al Aqsa Flood for the same reason. Al Aqsa Mosque is in Jerusalem. That's where they're going.

Both philosophically and practically, the Resistance takes the defeat of 'Israel' quite seriously. I simply try to read the Resistance honestly, and take them at their word. If you read the Resistance in any depth, you can find the same confidence from any era, going back a century. Even when they were literally farm boys being strafed by F16s in the 1980s, they thought they could win.


Amazed that this exists, the Julian Assange interview with Sayyed Nasrallah

For most of my adult life I didn't take these men seriously and took Empire's word that resistance is futile. But I realize now that they were planning this rebellion for generations. Hell, it wasn't just planning, they were doing it. They were dying for it for decades, deep beneath the headlines. Martyrs have been offered every year for a hundred years. We only noticed now because a hundred are offered daily.

In 1989, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (of Hezbollah) said, “The future is one of war, not settlement; the line that Arafat is pursuing will only lead him to a closed door, and the day will come when warfare and the elimination of Israel will be the only options… This is where Imam al-Khomeini’s words ring most true, namely that ‘Jerusalem and Palestine will not be regained with political games but with guns.’”

This was far from obvious at the time. Arafat did gamble on a settlement with 'Israel', and peace prizes were given out like party favors. However, as the Quran says, “Among the believers there are men who have been true to the pledge they made with God. Among them are such as have fulfilled their vow, and some who [still] wait, without having changed [their resolve] in the least.” One of those men who died on the way to Al-Quds, was General Qassem Soleimani, who the ignoramus Donald Trump deathed-from-above at the Baghdad Airport. As the Cleric Shahab Moradi said, when asked about possible revenge,

Think about it, are we supposed to take out Spiderman and SpongeBob? They don't have any heroes. We have a country in front of us with a large population and a large land mass, but it doesn't have any heroes, all of their heroes are cartoon characters, they're all fictional.

This is the vision of Resistance and it's clear. They understand the historical era they're in and they haven't just been believing in retaking Jerusalem, they've been building for it. Soleimani was a military genius on par with Ho Chi Minh and Nguyên Giáp. Soleimani helped create the Axis of Resistance and helped Gaza industrialize literally underground. As RNN reported,

Haj Qassem ordered the delivery of many tons of weapons to Gaza and the West Bank, such as Kornet anti-aircraft launchers, rockets, explosives, and Iranian-made rifles.

PFLP-GC leader Talal Naji revealed that Iran sent 20 ships of weapons to Gaza and the West Bank at Commander Soleimani's command. To further strengthen the military powers of the resistance, Haj Qassem and Hezbollah leader Imad Mughniyeh oversaw the design and implementation of the tactical tunnel network beneath Gaza for weapons transportation and blueprints for building highly accurate and powerful rockets in Gaza. Osama Hamdan, senior representative for Hamas, said, "All security experts considered the creation of a rocket under occupation as incomprehensible. Nations on the map can’t manufacture a bullet and we’re thinking of making a rocket?"

Sun Tzu said, “To excel at defense means hiding oneself away in the deepest recesses of the earth. To excel at offense means striking from the highest reaches of the heavens.” The Resistance seemed to follow this policy literally. In hindsight, these preparations weren't especially hidden, they just weren't taken seriously. They always believed and they said what they believed and they did what they believed. I'll repeat what Allah says atop every epitaph, because I hear it repeated a lot, “Among the believers there are men who have been true to the pledge they made with God. Among them are such as have fulfilled their vow, and some who [still] wait, without having changed [their resolve] in the least.”

The End

This is all a roundabout way of getting to the end of 'Israel'. How, exactly does the 500 million defeat the 5 million backed by the trillionaires of the White Empire? As Hemingway said, gradually, then suddenly. Since the Battle of Al Aqsa Flood, the Axis of Resistance has A) formed and B) steadily scaled the escalation ladder, building pressure on the artificial entity, like popping a zit. This is a slow process that has been building militarily for nearly 40 years, ideologically for 40 before that, and justified by the 40 years at the start.

Nasrallah was clear about the Resistance's objectives in 1992, saying,

The long-term strategy of the Islamic Resistance is clear and does not require additional explanation. It involves fighting against Israel and liberating Jerusalem, as well as Imam Khomeini’s proposal—namely, ending Israel as a state. The fact that we are engaged in an existentialist battle with Israel is an honor for us, as is the fact that the Israeli enemy deals with Hezbollah on that basis. We view the Israeli enemy with a different eye—namely, that its very existence in the region poses a constant threat to Lebanon as a whole, even if it withdraws from the frontier zone.

We are not unrealistic. We do not pretend that our military capabilities and the numbers of our mujahidin would be enough to regain Jerusalem; none of us have ever made that claim. We do, however, believe that the resistance has to finish the job it started. It is impossible for us to fight the Israeli enemy through traditional and classical methods, but rather [we must fight] through a war of attrition, whereby we drain its energy, weaken it, then one day force it to withdraw.

Will 'Israel' thus fall by 2027? I think the burden of proof is on proving that it won't happened. You can use Quranic logic, you can use military logic, you can use financial logic, all roads lead to Al-Quds. As Allah said, “there are indeed signs for people who use their reason.” I think Sheikh Yassin's estimate of 'Israel' falling in 2027 is quite reasonably. Lord forgive me, I'd even bet on it.