Dear America, You’re The Baddies
Armored chickens have come home to roost

Americans don’t like being occupied by their own military. How do you think everyone else feels about it? This is just armored chickens coming home to roost. They’ve been shitting bullets on the rest of the world for decades.
It’s galling to hear people complain that Portland looks like Afghanistan, as if that isn’t real places with real humans in it. As if it’s somehow OK to export oppression all over the globe, but terrible if it returns to sender. Have you considered that no place should look like this? That America’s war machine is terrible wherever it goes?
So you do not like being occupied by the American military. Go further. Consider that no one likes being occupied by the American military. Have you found that these thugs are brutally, structurally racist? Have you considered they they might be murderously so against the brown people they occupy?
This is just the Golden Rule — occupy onto Ramadi as you would onto Portland. Don’t fucking occupy people. Nobody wants your jackbooted thugs around.
The Simple Fact
The simple fact is that large groups of men with guns and zero accountability are not nice to have in your neighborhood. Any neighborhood. If you accept that brown families are also human beings, what makes you think they like foreign jack-booted thugs any more than you do?
Americans abducted off the streets of Portland at least get returned. People abducted in Kabul get passed around black sites, tortured, and end up in Guantanamo Bay for life. Your stormtroopers just fire tear gas in Oregon. In Iraq they shoot to kill.
Even liberal Democrats proudly participate in this colonial murder tour as a resume builder. Hence you get this horror of a quote from erstwhile Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg:
I did not carry an assault weapon around a foreign country so I could come home and see them used to massacre my countrymen.
Why were you carrying an assault weapon around anywhere? Did you ever stop to think of this?
Your troops are thugs, commanded by the corrupt, supported by the ignorant. I throw up when I hear Americans say ‘support the troops’. Fuck your troops. You’re thanking murderers, backed by thieves, for brutalizing brown people and making you pay for it.
Thank you for your service? What ‘service’ is spending trillions to occupy millions and kill hundreds of thousands? How is American freedom enhanced by crushing brown freedom abroad? Do you get more free with each sniper kill or boot through a door?
You don’t like American troops on your streets for a few weeks? Welcome to the club. They’ve been occupying the world for decades.
Fuck Your Troops
American war movies are the worst. It’s all about how stressful it is to kill people of color. How it gives the murderers bad dreams. American Sniper is just the Nazi movie within-a-movie from Inglourious Basterds, except no one burns the cinema down as they should.
American war coverage is no better. Even the NYTimes recycles propaganda. They recently released a Netflix movie following a stormtrooper for ten years, calling it ‘Service and Sacrifice’. Again service to what? Sacrifice of whom?
It’s a documentary on the ‘cost of war’ covering a person that literally gets paid to fight it.

This is just propaganda which obliterates brown lives as much as all the guns and drones and jeeps. Above you can see an Oregon memorial to all the dead in the Iraq war. The red is American troops and the white is Iraqis. American media is all about how hard it was being the red line, doing the killing.
It’s like a murder documentary about how hard it was for the knife.
Dear America, you are not the good guys. From Vietnam to Iraq you have waged endless wars of aggression and history will not hear your excuses. History will not judge American intentions, they will judge the hundreds of thousands dead, the torture camps, the detention without charge, and the bloated military machine that eventually came home and occupied your own streets. Worst of all, the American military machine also sucks. It unleashes all the horrors of war without even winning. You’re bloody losers.

Now the killer cancer has spread from the military to the militarized Customs & Border Protection which is now being deployed anywhere near a ‘border’ (like water), which covers most big American cities.
Look yourselves in the night-vision goggles that are now outside your own homes. Imagine for a second that brown people are human beings who might have the same attachment to their freedom and dignity as you. Now that you know how it feels, imagine that the people you occupy have feelings too. Because they do.
America’s war machine has no place in America because it has no place anywhere. It is bad in America because it’s bad everywhere. I hate to break it to you America, but you’re the baddies.
*As a Sri Lankan I must note, we have our own occupying military here. Many nations do, America is just the most military industrial about it. I do not support the military occupation of the North and East. I do not support unaccountable men with guns anywhere.