An Exclusive Interview With Ho Chin Minh

Ho Chi Minh is dead, but he needn't go unread. This is an ‘interview’ with Uncle Ho wherein I ask him questions and the great man answers, with copy-and-paste as my spirit medium. This interview is ‘exclusive’ in the sense that it's in my head.
The man whom I affectionately call Uncle Ho defeated the French, the Japanese, and Americans, a rare decolonial hat trick. Ho Chi Minh is the Lionel Messi of kicking colonizers out; they're both strong leftists.
I think it's important to talk to Uncle Ho now, because the Resistance to French/America aggression (why I call it all one White Empire) is ongoing. It has come to a head in Palestine with open warfare, the Battle of Al Aqsa Flood, which Hamas has won by surviving. Hamas has won this battle but when humanity has lost so much in the process. Millions of lives shattered or snuffed out, and billions traumatized by watching it.
How do we bear the injustice a moment longer? In 1946, Ho said, “The war of resistance will be a long and hard one,” and he wasn't lying. What the Vietnamese call The Resistance War Against America only ended in 1975. Fifty years later, the Resistance War Against America still rages, so let's get some inspiration from latter-day sages like revered Uncle Ho Chi Minh.
Nephew Indi: What is the main enemy of world peace?
Uncle Ho: US imperialism is the main enemy of world peace, consequently we must concentrate our forces against it.
Master Sun said “Know the enemy; know yourself, and you will meet with no danger in a hundred battles. If you do not know the enemy, but you know yourself, then you will win and lose by turns. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will lose every battle, certainly.”
As a master of guerrilla warfare, you know the enemy better than anyone. What can you tell us about the Americans?
Ever since the late 19th century, the USA has repeatedly relied on war to enrich itself and become a chieftain. The present US scheme is to kindle war in the hope of gaining world hegemony.
In the areas still under his temporary occupation, the enemy strives to disseminate a depraved culture and hooliganism in order to poison our people, especially our youth. He seeks to use religions to divide our people. His main scheme is to “use Vietnamese to fight Vietnamese [insert nationality here] and feed war with war.”
The anti-democratic camp is headed by the US. Immediately after the end of World War Two, the US became the ringleader of world imperialism and reaction. Britain and France are ite right- and left-hand men and the reactionary governments in the East and the West its henchmen. Aspiring to world hegemony, the US holds out dollars in one hand to entice people and brandishes the atomic bomb in the other to menace the world. The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO Pact, and Programme for Southeast Asia are all US manoeuvres aimed at preparing for a third world war.
In Europe the US has, through the Marshall Plan and NATO, seized control over the Western countries in the military, political and economic fields, and at the same time has been striving to arm them and compel them to supply cannon-fodder.
Nephew Indi: Remarkable Uncle, it sounds like you're talking about now. America is still using Europe to attack Russia, and is pitting Slav against Slav in Ukraine, Semite against Semite in Palestine, and Chinese against Chinese in Taiwan. Since you have fought the Americans directly, can you tell us about their tactics of war?
“The leopard does not change his spots” ; the US aggressors are still very stubborn. In the South, they go on intensifying the war, savagely bomb the cities and destroy whole areas in the countryside, while carrying out frantic raids against the southern provinces of the North.
Of late, the frenzied US aggressors have taken a very serious step in their escalation by starting air strikes on the suburbs of Hanoi and Haiphong. That is a desperate act, the death throes of a mortally wounded wild beast. The heavier their defeats, the more cruel means they employ, such as napalm and noxious gases, to massacre our compatriots.
The South Viet Nam people have defeated the US “special war” and are defeating the US “limited war”, a very brutal war of aggression, waged with over one million troops including nearly 500,000 US troops and over half a million puppet and satellite troops, thousands of aircraft, hundreds of warships, millions of tons of modern weapons and the most cruel means of war : noxious chemicals, gases, napalm, pellet bombs, etc... Even more barbarous than the Hitlerite fascists, the aggressors have carried out everywhere a “burn all, destroy all, kill all” policy. In an attempt to escape from the quagmire in South Viet Nam, the US imperialists have launched an increasingly more brutal air and naval war of destruction against North Viet Nam. They attack our communication lines, industrial centres, populous areas in both the cities and the countryside, hospitals, schools, churches, pagodas, dams and dykes, etc. They wrongly assume that with bombs and shells they can damp the patriotism and destroy the sacred militant solidarity of the Vietnamese people in both zones. But, for the sake of their Fatherland’s independence and freedom, the 31 million Vietnamese people, united and of one mind, are determined to fight and defeat the US aggressors to save the country.
Politically, how do the Americans operate (re: corrupt and manipulate)?
They have fostered a puppet administration and puppet troops as instruments of their aggressive policy. They have resorted to extremely savage means of warfare — toxic chemicals, napalm bombs, etc. — and applied a “burn all, kill all and destroy all” policy. By committing such crimes, they hope to subdue our Southern compatriots.
They buy over the Vietnamese, Cambodian and Lao puppets [insert Ukraine, Taiwan, and 'Israel'] and speed up the organization of puppet armed forces. They force the French [EU] to make concessions to the puppets, that is, to them. They have a plan to replace the French step by step, but continue to use the latter as stooges for the implementation of their war policy.
Apart from their economic exploitation and plundering, the French and American imperialists practise such deceitful policies in the political field as declaring sham “independence” and “democracy”, holding fraudulent elections.
The US imperialists supply their henchmen with armaments to massacre the Indochinese people. They dump their goods in Indochina to prevent the development of local small industries. / They disseminate a depraved culture to poison the youth in areas under their temporary control.
Today it feels like American Empire is dying all over, and yet killing more than ever. Genocide in Gaza, terrorizing Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran, toppling Syria and sundering its territory to Al-Qaeda, etc. What was your experience with the French Empire dying? Did those bastards also go down ugly?
Since France was defeated by Germany, its power has completely collapsed. Nevertheless, with regard to our people, the French rulers have become even more ruthless in carrying out their policy of exploitation, repression and massacre. They bleed us white and carry out a barbarous policy of all-out terrorism and massacre. In the foreign field, bowing their heads and bending their knees, they resign themselves to ceding part of our land to Siam and shamelessly surrendering our country to Japan.

How do we not lose hope at these trying times?
Our present political struggle is a long, hard and complex one, but it will certainly be victorious. Victory is certain because our cause is just, our people are closely united and of one mind, our fellow-countrymen in both South and North are struggling with heroism, the peoples of the world are supporting us and the world peace movement is growing stronger every day, while the imperialists’ warlike schemes have suffered ever more serious failures.
Our long war of resistance will have to go through many more difficult periods. We must endure sacrifices and hardships and make great efforts. But we are ready to face sacrifices and sufferings and to exert ourselves for five, ten years in order to break the chains which have held us in slavery over the past eighty years, and regain unity and independence forever.
The US imperialists are resorting to brute force in the hope of subjugating our people and intimidating other peoples in Indochina, Southeast Asia and the rest of the world. But they are grossly mistaken.
Ours is a heroic people. We have overthrown the Japanese fascists and defeated the French colonialists, and are now resolutely fighting to defeat the US imperialist aggressors.
We are determined to win complete independence for our Fatherland and complete freedom for our people. In face of the danger created by US aggression, our people in the North and in the South are of one mind in their resolve to fight : even if the battle should last five, ten, twenty years or longer, we will resolutely fight on till complete victory.
Now we are waging a long war of resistance to defend our unity and independence; we have powerful forces and enjoy favourable national and international conditions : we are bound to win.
However, we must be aware of the following :
— The enemy will grow even more reckless and ferocious, they will probably extend their attacks even more before being wiped out.
— We shall meet with even greater difficulties and hardships before winning final victory.
Therefore we must be vigilant and resolute ; we shall neither be discouraged by temporary setbacks, nor grow arrogant when winning big victories ; neither shall we grow complacent and underestimate the enemy.
How long must we fight the Americans?
The war of resistance against US aggression may drag on. Our people may have to face new sacrifices of life and property. Whatever happens, we must keep firm our resolve to fight the US aggressors till total victory.
Our mountains will always be,
our rivers will always be,
our people will always be ;
The American invaders defeated,
we will rebuild our land ten times more beautiful.
We must first of all keep in mind that the war of resistance will be long and hard, but will certainly end in victory. The war of resistance must be a protracted one because our population and territory are small and our country poor. Long and all-round preparations have to be made by our entire people. We must always bear in mind that in relation to us the French invaders are quite strong, and, in addition, they are assisted by the British and Americans.
They are like a “tangerine with a thick rind” and so we must have time to “sharpen our finger-nails” in order to peel it. We must also understand that each stage is linked up with others : it succeeds the one that precedes it and produces seeds for the one that follows.
Isn't there an alternative to armed resistance?
The Vietnamese people are now facing these alternatives: either to fold their arms and bow their heads and fall back into slavery, or to struggle to the end for freedom and independence. No! The Vietnamese people will never again tolerate foreign domination. No! The Vietnamese people will never again be enslaved. They would rather die than lose their independence and freedom.

America is trying to break the will to resist through terror and sheer force of arms. Can they do it?
Johnson and his clique should realize this : they may bring in half a million, a million or even more troops to step up their war of aggression in South Viet Nam. They may use thousands of aircraft for intensified attacks against North Viet Nam. But never will they be able to break the iron will of the heroic Vietnamese people, their determination to fight against American aggression, for national salvation. The more truculent they grow, the more serious their crimes. The war may last five, ten, twenty or more years ; Hanoi, Haiphong and other cities and enterprises may be destroyed ; but the Vietnamese people will not be intimidated ! Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. Once victory is won, our people will rebuild their country and make it even more prosperous and beautiful.

What military strategy are both you and the Axis of Resistance around Palestine following?
We look not only at the present but also to the future and have firm confidence in the spirit and strength of the masses, of the nation. Therefore we resolutely told those wavering and pessimistic people : Yes, it’s now grasshopper versus elephant, ' But tomorrow the elephant will collapse. Facts have shown that the colonialist “elephant” is getting out of breath while our army has grown up into a powerful tiger.
The enemy wants to win a quick victory. If the war drags on, he will suffer increasing losses and will be defeated. That is why we use the strategy of a protracted war of resistance in order to develop our forces and gather more experience. We use guerilla tactics to wear down the enemy forces until a general offensive wipes them out The enemy is like fire and we like water. Water will certainly get the better of fire.
The reactionary colonialists’ aggressive war is unjust and hated by all. Our resistance for national salvation is a just cause and is therefore receiving support from many people. The majority of the French people want to live in peace and friendship with us. The peoples of the colonies sympathize with us. The Asian peoples support us. World opinion is favourable to us. On the moral plane, the enemy has already failed completely and we have won total victory.
What message do you have for people within the White Empire (France, America, same thing),
We have no grudge against each other. Only selfish interests have driven the reactionary colonialists to provoke clashes. Profits are for them, death for you, and decorations for the militarists. For you and your families, only suffering and destitution. Think the matter over. Are you going to shed your blood and lay down your lives for the reactionaries? Join us, you will be treated as friends.
Our people are determined to drive away the US imperialists, their sworn enemy. Yet we always express friendship toward progressive American people.
Viet Nam is thousands of miles away from the United States. The Vietnamese and American peoples have no quarrel with each other. For what reason have you launched an aggressive war in South Viet Nam and wasted billions of dollars of the American people to support a corrupt and dictatorial administration, spat upon by the South Vietnamese people ? What right do you have to force tens of thousands of young Americans to come and kill innocent South Vietnamese, then to get killed in this unjust, dirty war ?
What does genuine peace look like? How do we define victory for the Resistance?
Our people cherish peace, but genuine peace only comes with real independence and freedom. Our position is very just and clear : the day the US imperialists end their war of aggression against our country, end the bombing of the North, withdraw all US and satellite troops from South Viet Nam and let our people freely settle our internal affairs, that day peace will be restored. This is the desire of our people and also of progressive people in America and peace- and justice-loving people in the world. The only way to restore peace is to achieve the total withdrawal of US and satellite troops. Viet Nam for the Vietnamese !
And Palestine for the Palestinians, China for the Chinese, Ukraine for Ukrainians and I guess now the Russian speakers to Russia, cause that's not receding. Basically the world to the world to sort out its own problems, and death to America which has just been creating them. As always, the best solution to the world's problems is America fucking off, and as someone who showed them the door, I deeply appreciate Uncle Ho's wisdom. As Uncle Ho said, capping off his own career,
For the first time in history, an oppressed nation defeated the aggression of a mighty imperialist power, won back national independence, brought land to the tillers and genuine democratic rights to the people.
The victory of the August Revolution and the great war of resistance proves that even a small and weak nation can most certainly defeat the imperialist aggressors, if it is closely united under the leadership of the working class and its Party and correctly follows the Marxist-Leninist line.